Energy Boost Recipe – Sautéed Spinach (or Kale) Delight

This recipe has three delightful qualities. One is how quickly it can be prepared – under five minutes! Two is how energizing and healthful it is and three is how umm, umm, ahhh delicious it tastes – in all its variations.

Ingredients: 3 handfuls of ready-to-go baby spinach, olive oil, * 1 pressed then finely chopped garlic clove, handful of torn parsley, pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Simply sauté everything together until the spinach wilts slightly. Eat pronto! (Serves one)

Variations: Substitute kale for spinach. Sprinkle in pine nuts or walnuts, dried cranberries, dried cherries, sun-dried tomatoes … recommended resource is healthy additions is Eat Right For Your Type.

* Crush garlic using your palm or kitchen knife. Let sit for fifteen minutes before chopping and sautéing.

Recipe adapted from article, Spinach Knocks Out Cancer and Boosts Brain Power, written by Barbara Minton.

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