Last Wednesday I bought a pedometer to start logging my steps for the SPCA. (I am a volunteer dog walker – you could be too. Click here for typical volunteer opportunities at your local shelter OR to help out at ours.)
Anywho, on Wednesday, January 2ND I walked 9533 steps. Someday I’ll figure out how that translates into miles. Right now I like the sound of steps! BTW = The manual that came with the pedometer recommends that we walk a total of 10,000 steps a day.
Volunteering – doing something you Love for something or someone you Love is sooooooo
energizing. It is proven to release all kinds of feel good hormones. I have gone in for this weekly 2 hour walking spree feeling like c-r-a-p – feeling tired – feeling stressed, even with migraine headaches and come out of it refreshed, re-Energized and loving life. Must be a combination of heart, movement, oxygen and water intake …
This is just ONE way to give yourself an emotional and physical boost. Do you have something else to suggest? Add it on here for the rest of us!