Concerned mom wants to know why her daughter is tired all the time
Hi Viveca,
I was searching the web trying to find some way to help my daughter and found your website. She has all of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. She is 21 and has always been very skinny and energetic. She has gained 40 pounds in the last two years and has terrible acne along with all of the other symptoms you listed. I understand the emotional aspects, but I am wondering if you are taking anything for adrenal fatigue and if so, is it helping? I am desperate to help my daughter. She just moved to LA to persue a career in acting and this has the odds stacked against her. The worst it gets the more stressed she becomes. I would love to hear back from you. Thank you very much.
– Concerned Mom
Dear Mom,
When I was about her age and going full throttle I use to regularly wear myself out and into bronchitis. A very wise doctor I had at that time would say to me “you can keep going and go into pneumonia and break your health and take a very long time to recover or, you can go to bed for a few days and get some rest.” That blunt style worked for me and I’d head to bed.
Left untreated, adrenal fatigue can go into adrenal failure in which you break your health. Unlike adrenal fatigue, adrenal failure can take years to recover. So, perhaps you could mention that you’d spoken with an expert who said she could either make a few changes NOW or take a few years off to recover. Blunt worked best with me then and now.
I am not a doctor and always recommend visiting a physician to determine if there are underlying causes. That being said, if your daughter decides to make changes I would recommend she do the following Continue reading