3 Fatigue Busting Tools to Re-Energize Your Day

Where does Fatigue begin? Is it our thoughts that exhaust our bodies or imbalances in our bodies that tire our minds and bodies? Today’s fatigue busting tools invite you to notice and note the impact of words, walks and water!

Our first fatigue buster is inspired by Sonia Choquette, author of Trust Your Vibes. I had the pleasure of interviewing her several years ago on the Get Ready For Love Show. Her “Trust Your Vibes Oracle Card Pack” continues to be one of my favorite get-in-touch-with-me tools.

Speak UP According to Sonia Choquette, author of Trust Your Vibes, one of the most powerful tools for eliminating fatigue and “raising your vibrations and attracting Divine support” is to verbally acknowledge what’s working, people and situations we love and blessings of any kind.

Today spend ten minutes naming your blessings out loud to yourself. Continue this in your conversations with others. Keep silent on what you consider to be lacks, losses and discomforts. Be a Chatty Cathy, about blessings, with whoever is available — friends, neighbors, co-workers, bill collectors, grocery store clerks, your mother …

Mini Walks
Anyone suffering from adrenal fatigue (who is aware they have adrenal fatigue) knows that pounding workouts are OUT. Why? Because exhausted adrenals don’t recharge after a hard run or pounding gym session. There’s no workout high just a “crash and hit the couch” low.

What does work, beautifully, are two to three mini-walks a day. These are 10 to 20 minute walks. Alternate between brisk walking, strolling, skipping, walking backwards, smelling the roses … This is enough time to clear the brain, receive divine inspiration on a problem, have a friendly chat with a neighbor or co-worker or dog walking. Whatever you do, consider this “quality time” with your adrenal glands.

Drink UP
According to a recent article in First For Women, dehydration is one of the top hidden fatigue causes in women over the age of forty. Apparently the thirst detector seems to turn off as we age so we don’t feel thirsty, we just feel tired. Who would have thunk.
This is an easy exercise. Go grab an 8 oz glass of water and drink it NOW! Continue sipping on water throughout your day and always have an 8 oz glass of water first thing in the morning – before you eat or have that cup of coffee. Yes, before break-fast you need to break-thirst!
At the end of the day notice and note how your day went. Which tool did you like best? Did you try all three? How do you feel at the end of your day – more energized, relaxed, satisfied, optimistic, extra blessed? Any surprise wins? Fewer aches and pains?

Do share. I love to hear from you.



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