Drink up & boost your energy – FAST.

The fastest way to feel better and boost your energy is easy. Drink up! Aim for eight glasses of energized water. If you love your coffee, add in a couple of extra glasses to balance out.

Energy Boost Water “How to” and Recipe:
Start with two glasses of water, first thing in the morning, before coffee or breakfast. Our bodies wake up dehydrated and need to be refreshed. Continue replenishing throughout your day with a glass of water at least thirty minutes before any meal and an hour or so after meals. Cut off the spigot a couple of hours before bedtime so you can sleep tight, all night.

Energized Water Recipe:
Just add the following into as many of your glasses as possible. Note: Lemon, and any citrus, is hard on your enamel. Rinse your mouth afterwards.

* A squirt of fresh lemon juice (cleanses your system) and
* An 1/8 tsp of Sea Salt (boosts low blood pressure).

The Sea Salt (not table or iodized salt) boosts blood pressure. Most people with Adrenal Fatigue have low blood pressure and need this boost. If your water tastes “good” to you with the salt, continue. That’s a sign your body needs it. If it doesn’t taste good, pass.

For more information about Adrenal Fatigue, click here:http://www.fatiguebegone.com/whatisadrenalfatigue.htm  There is also a “Tired Mom Quiz” you might find helpful. Information is power. I aim to provide you with both, and what you need to feel-better-fast.

Cheers!   Viveca


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Sneak peak. Fatigue Be Gone “Amazon e-Store” Opens

The squeaky wheel starts being greased today. You kept asking for a fast and easy way to shop for energy boosting essentials.  Here is a start to whet your appetite.

You can visit our new Amazon e-Store by clicking here:

We begin with three “categories”. Look in the right hand side bar and you’ll see:

* Gluten-Free Essentials (Start adding into your diet ASAP. Read all about it too.)
* Essential Kitchen Tools (Keep food prep time low & nutrition HIGH.)
* Energy Food, Drinks & Condiments (Must haves that can be difficult to track down in local and specialty grocery stores.)

Next week we’ll add two more categories: “Snack Bar” and “Breakfast Bar”.

Please feel free to post any questions, comments or recommendations you may have. I look forward to making 2014 our year to blast fatigue, brain fog and belly fat. They do go together, don’t they?

If you haven’t already signed up for our weekly “Easy-Does-It-Energizing-Tips”, please click here:  http://www.fatiguebegone.com/newsletter.htm

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Arthritis Joint Pain – Opportunity to stay loose, loose stubborn belly fat and find new friends

Arthritis Joint Pain can be your curse or your wake up call and a blessing. Guess who gets to choose? Three letter word —  sounds like Casper the ghost’s favorite word …

What causes arthritis joint pain in the first place? For most it is simply a side affect of aging, a result of lifetime wear and tear. The most common form, osteoarthritis, shows up as joint inflammation and swelling, joint pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. In case you think these are good reasons to be a couch potato, think again.

Move it or loose it Joint lubrication and flexibility.
My dentist once told me to “only floss the teeth” I wanted to keep. Isn’t that a horrifying image? I’ve been a flossing daily ever since. Same thing goes for “only moving the muscles, bones and joints” you think you’d like to use.

Walking specialist Mary Anne Dunkin puts it another way, “walking strengthens muscles, which helps shift pressure from joints and reduce pain. And repeated walking Continue reading

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3 Fatigue Busting Tools to Re-Energize Your Day

Where does Fatigue begin? Is it our thoughts that exhaust our bodies or imbalances in our bodies that tire our minds and bodies? Today’s fatigue busting tools invite you to notice and note the impact of words, walks and water!

Our first fatigue buster is inspired by Sonia Choquette, author of Trust Your Vibes. I had the pleasure of interviewing her several years ago on the Get Ready For Love Show. Her “Trust Your Vibes Oracle Card Pack” continues to be one of my favorite get-in-touch-with-me tools.

Speak UP According to Sonia Choquette, author of Trust Your Vibes, one of the most powerful tools for eliminating fatigue and “raising your vibrations and attracting Divine support” is to verbally acknowledge what’s working, people and situations we love and blessings of any kind.

Today spend ten minutes naming your blessings out loud to yourself. Continue this in your conversations with others. Keep silent on what you consider to be lacks, losses and discomforts. Be a Chatty Cathy, about blessings, with whoever is available — friends, neighbors, co-workers, bill collectors, grocery store clerks, your mother …

Mini Walks
Anyone suffering from adrenal fatigue (who is aware they have adrenal fatigue) knows that pounding workouts are OUT. Why? Continue reading

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ARGG & Ahhhhh with Magma Plus Greens

The ARGG part of this post has to do with the price I paid and the time I wasted to get my Magma Plus.

I shop for my supplements 99.9% of the time through eVits. Whenever I buy elsewhere I pay more. This week I bought Green FoodsMagma Plus” for $20.57. I could-have-paid $17.88 AND not wasted time in traffic AND waiting to be checked out.

Now for the ahhhhh part that goes with my wand!

I am diligently working to UP my alkaline-forming fruits and veggies. Why? Fatigue is a major symptom associated with an overly acidic diet and I want to feel my best. I also want my stressed out, carnivore husband to feel his best! Stress makes our bodies more acidic also.

Anyhuuu – “The” goal is to consume 80% alkaline-forming fruits & veggies and 20% acid-forming foods. As you can imagine, the acid forming foods tend to be delicious (fudge, breads, meats, dairy) and the alkaline selections, splashed with olive oil, lemon and a dash of salt, tend to “grow on you.”

I’ve been struggling.

Then a health mentor told me about an easy way to up the good stuff called … Magma Plus. SHIZam! One heaping tablespoon and I am almost at my goal. It also gives me a healthy buzzzzz. This helps me come in around 60 (alkaline) and 40 (acid) in my diet which is a huge improvement.

Get a jar for yourself. Magma Plus by Green Foods

Is now a good time to stock up on any other energy-boosting products? Shipping is free for orders under 5lbs or more than $70. I hit both easily – you can too. Here is my daily supplement list.
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