Causes of Fatigue: STRESS

Definition of Stress: c: a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation. Source:

Quick Stress Test:

Are you QUICK to react with anger, frustration, tears or despair? Y/N

Do you go to sleep and wake up worrying about something(s) — your finances, health, politics, someone else’s problems … Y/N

Do you have difficulty getting to sleep because of anxious thoughts? Y/N

Do you feel constantly tired and burdened by problems beyond your control? Y/N

In addition to fatigue, other common symptoms of stress may include: Upset stomach * Depression * Increase urge to urinate * Desire to isolate * Confused thinking and inability to complete projects * Escapism via alcohol, TV * Headaches (tension and migraine) viewing, sex, etc., * Cravings for sugar and cards plus excessive weight gain * Back pain * Constipation * Insomnia * Infertility * Asthma Attacks * More frequent cold and flues * Sexual dysfunction * Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies * Brittle nails

Take Notice and Note: Easy daily opportunities to help you reduce fatigue, stress and anxiety and feel better – FAST.

1. The “Dump it Here – Click here for the  Stress and Anxiety Relief Journal Exercise.”

2. Two-Minute “Follow Your Breath” Meditation Exercise. You need a timer and a specific time of day or an activity trigger. For example, I do this exercise based on an activity trigger — writing. My husband puts in his two-minutes after lunch. All you do is set 1) the timer for two minutes and then 2) focus on your breathing. Follow your breath in and out with no need to change or affect it – just follow it. When you’re comfortable with this exercise, expand it to five-minutes … Super easy and effective way to add more energy, oxygen, relaxation and peace into your day!

BONUS Stress and Anxiety Reduction Habit. Schedule time for happiness i.e. enjoy daily and weekly social time with friends and family.


Stressed by your super woman no-time-for-friends-or-fun lifestyle? You’re not alone. A recent Gallup Poll shows that individuals with the least amount of social time perform the poorest on the Happiness-Stress Index while experiencing the highest levels of intense stress and worry. Learn how to wrap your super woman cape around your stress, anxiety and fatigue and cast them out of your life forever in the Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart e-Guide. Available at

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Fatigue Recovery Technique – Reduce Stress and Anxiety with the “Dump It Here” Journal Exercise

Do you find yourself constantly feeling stress and anxiety? Do you go to sleep and wake up with anxious, depressing and “worst case scenario” thoughts? Join the club. GAD, a.k.a Generalized Anxiety Disorder in on the rise as home values fall, friends wait to be employed, world events clash and all the normal, everyday, aggravations aggravate. (Bosses, spouses, kids, pets, neighbors, girlfriends, family …)

The first step to stress and anxiety recovery is accepting that most, if not all, people, places and things, are out of your control. Great. If you can’t handle them, you know who can. This exercise is all about acknowledging your worries and passing them on up to the god of your understanding, your angels, the universe … you pick.

Dump It Here Journal Exercise

Step 1: Arm yourself with a cheap spiral notebook and pen or a file on your hard drive.

Step 2: Write down whatever is bugging you. List things you need to do – people you need to see and call – projects to complete. Express your fears about life, money, your boss, marriage … grieve your disappointments … Vent about lbs that won’t drop off, kids that don’t clean their rooms and cultures that refuse to cooperate. Got a resentment? Dump it here!

Whine, pound, complain, misspell – let your dark side scribe. Put “Nice Girl” on hold.

Step 3. When you’re done (1-3 pages), close the book or file. Don’t Continue reading

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Beat fatigue the old fashioned way … eat right and sleep tight.

Fatigue … so often the root cause of fatigue is traced back to something as simple as poor nutrition and sleeping habits. I use the word “habit” because whatever we do regularly, be it calling a cup of coffee “breakfast” or staying up late to catch another CSI show, becomes a habit. Habits are so easily formed – just twenty-something days – and so so hard to break. Don’t even try, simply form news ones to take their place. May I suggest …

New Fatigue Busting Habit – Feed your tired adrenals the “good stuff.”

It is time to get into seasonal fruit and veggie shopping. Fresh produce tastes better, will improve your appetite and entice you to eat more and eat healthier. Stock up this weekend at your local Farmer’s Market, and then join in our Monday Fruit and Veggie Day.

July’s produce bounty includes:

* Fruit:  apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, honeydew melons, limes, nectarines, peaches, plums, strawberries and watermelons.

* Vegetables: corn, cucumbers, lettuce and radishes.

Source: Buy Ketchup in May and Fly at Noon: A Guide to the Best Time to Buy This, Do That and Go There

New Fatigue Busting Habit – Sleep tight.
7 fool-proof ways to get the sleep you need to stop feeling tired and wired.

There is one major reason why so many of us are tired all the time, sleep deprivation. Sometimes it’s because we allow ourselves to turn into zombies in front of the boob tube. Other times a metabolic imbalance can trigger insomnia. Ah, I know this one too well. Here are my favorite insomnia-busting tools and tricks …

1. The 10:00 p.m. bedtime hour. It is critical that people with fatigue and sleep problem be in bed and well on their way towards sleep by 10:00 p.m. Why? There is a dreaded adrenal gland “second wind” that kicks Continue reading

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Fatigue Causes – Toxic Relationships, Energy Vampires and the “News”

Fatigue is a complex topic. If you are feeling tired all the time you can bet you are under the spell of a combination of fatigue factors. The culprits include but are not limited to: your diet, exercise, finances, work environment, lifestyle and the quality of your relationships. Today I’d like to address just one of these, relationships gone bad.

Do you feel more fatigue around certain people? I do. In fact three chronically fatiguing Continue reading

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3 Fatigue Busting Tools to Re-Energize Your Day

Where does Fatigue begin? Is it our thoughts that exhaust our bodies or imbalances in our bodies that tire our minds and bodies? Today’s fatigue busting tools invite you to notice and note the impact of words, walks and water!

Our first fatigue buster is inspired by Sonia Choquette, author of Trust Your Vibes. I had the pleasure of interviewing her several years ago on the Get Ready For Love Show. Her “Trust Your Vibes Oracle Card Pack” continues to be one of my favorite get-in-touch-with-me tools.

Speak UP According to Sonia Choquette, author of Trust Your Vibes, one of the most powerful tools for eliminating fatigue and “raising your vibrations and attracting Divine support” is to verbally acknowledge what’s working, people and situations we love and blessings of any kind.

Today spend ten minutes naming your blessings out loud to yourself. Continue this in your conversations with others. Keep silent on what you consider to be lacks, losses and discomforts. Be a Chatty Cathy, about blessings, with whoever is available — friends, neighbors, co-workers, bill collectors, grocery store clerks, your mother …

Mini Walks
Anyone suffering from adrenal fatigue (who is aware they have adrenal fatigue) knows that pounding workouts are OUT. Why? Continue reading

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