3 Fatigue Busting Tools to Re-Energize Your Day

Where does Fatigue begin? Is it our thoughts that exhaust our bodies or imbalances in our bodies that tire our minds and bodies? Today’s fatigue busting tools invite you to notice and note the impact of words, walks and water!

Our first fatigue buster is inspired by Sonia Choquette, author of Trust Your Vibes. I had the pleasure of interviewing her several years ago on the Get Ready For Love Show. Her “Trust Your Vibes Oracle Card Pack” continues to be one of my favorite get-in-touch-with-me tools.

Speak UP According to Sonia Choquette, author of Trust Your Vibes, one of the most powerful tools for eliminating fatigue and “raising your vibrations and attracting Divine support” is to verbally acknowledge what’s working, people and situations we love and blessings of any kind.

Today spend ten minutes naming your blessings out loud to yourself. Continue this in your conversations with others. Keep silent on what you consider to be lacks, losses and discomforts. Be a Chatty Cathy, about blessings, with whoever is available — friends, neighbors, co-workers, bill collectors, grocery store clerks, your mother …

Mini Walks
Anyone suffering from adrenal fatigue (who is aware they have adrenal fatigue) knows that pounding workouts are OUT. Why? Continue reading

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Feeling Tired? Try these easy and delicious energy-boosting recipes.

An all-natural way to

Adrenal Fatigue Recipes

Adrenal Fatigue Recipes

stop feeling so tired is to UP the amount and frequency of the following adrenal-boosting super foods: Sea salt, Kelp, Green and ripe black olives, Dulse, Hot red peppers, New Zealand Spinach, Swiss chard, Beet greens, Celery (leaves and root), and Zucchini. Speaking of frequency, you also want to be eating every two to three hours. No complaints here!

Whenever I feel tired, and first thing in the morning, I drink an 8oz glass of water with a quarter tsp. of Sea Salt.  If you crave salt this is an excellent addition for your diet too. (People with adrenal fatigue typically suffer from low blood pressure and sodium loss within the cells*.) Source:  Dr. James Wilson, author, Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century Syndrome

Stop feeling tired. Start with breakfast.
An adrenal fatigue symptom is the lack of an a.m. appetite. As part of recovery you MUST feed your adrenal glands the “good” stuff and do so before 10:00 a.m. May I recommend the Oatmeal Energy Boost?!

What about lunch? How about … The Adrenal Fatigue Buster Soup!
or the Tuna Fish Plus Anti-Oxidants — Yum!

Adrenal gland recovery dinners include:
* Sautéed Spinach or Kale Delight

* Shrimp & Papaya & Mango & Chicken, Oh my…
and the … Pretty Delicious Stir-Fry

All Day Long … sips and snacks:

* Sips:  Sparkling Cinnamon, Ginger Water. Ahhhhhh.
and Click Here Licorice Tea. Licorice is extremely beneficial for rejuvenating your adrenal glands. I love it hot or on ice.
(Psst. Stay off of coffee and other sugar or caffeine based drinks. These will only continue your energy boost, crash and burn syndrome.)

* Snacks: Walnuts, fresh peanuts in shells, hard boiled eggs and small amounts of dried fruit. Crunch on lots of carrots! Did you know that crunching on hard objects, like carrots, naturally releases tension from the jaw which most of us need!

Extra, extra!
Homemade Taco Seasoning

* Twenty of the World’s Healthiest Foods


Psst. Do you have an adrenal gland healing recipe to share with us? Please e-mail it to: Viveca@FatigueBeGone.com
We’ll be sure to add a mention and link back to your site. Thanks!


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