I am just back from having fun, fun, fun with my best friend from high school. Spent the week getting up at noon and going to bed 2:00 a.m. ish. We ate delicious food, had manicures, shopped till we dropped, took on one home improvement project, went on beautiful spring walks with her dogs, caught up on giggles, news, views and belly laughs!
There is nothing like being with someone who has loved you for years and years. Coleen and I go back to Junior High! She was a reserved young miss then. I practically had to stick her pigtails in ink to get her to talk to me!
Why am I telling you all of this?
Friendship, laughter and FUN pumps up those tired adrenal glands and plumps out those feel-good hormones like nothin‘ else.
If you are on this page, consider this your call to action! Take time today to make plans to schedule in a hefty dose of friendship, laughter and FUN this weekend.
Then, tell me all about it!!!!
I have a couple jewels to share with you from my time chez Coleen. I am ordering all of them today!