Didn’t want to (but I did.)

Didn’t want to eat breakfast today and that is nothing new. One of the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue is the lack of that a.m. breakfast appetite. If I had my way I’d just have that cup of coffee – or two, with a sweet goodie. But wait – I did have “my way” with my diet for years and guess what … I ended up being so tired all the time that I had to make fatigue recovery a study to get my life back!

So this morning I reminded myself of this factoid. As those memories of caffeine and sugar highs followed by the lowest of lows came back I cooked up a bowl of oatmeal with a side of walnuts.

You know that saying “A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.” The tired woman version of that goes like this — “A moment on the lips, then feel your energy dip.”

Cheers! Viveca

If you would like more information about how to eat right and feel GREAT, please check out a couple of my energy foods recipes. Click here for the Oatmeal Energize and here for the Black Beans energy foods recipe.

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Beat fatigue the old fashioned way … eat right and sleep tight.

Fatigue … so often the root cause of fatigue is traced back to something as simple as poor nutrition and sleeping habits. I use the word “habit” because whatever we do regularly, be it calling a cup of coffee “breakfast” or staying up late to catch another CSI show, becomes a habit. Habits are so easily formed – just twenty-something days – and so so hard to break. Don’t even try, simply form news ones to take their place. May I suggest …

New Fatigue Busting Habit – Feed your tired adrenals the “good stuff.”

It is time to get into seasonal fruit and veggie shopping. Fresh produce tastes better, will improve your appetite and entice you to eat more and eat healthier. Stock up this weekend at your local Farmer’s Market, and then join in our Monday Fruit and Veggie Day.

July’s produce bounty includes:

* Fruit:  apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, honeydew melons, limes, nectarines, peaches, plums, strawberries and watermelons.

* Vegetables: corn, cucumbers, lettuce and radishes.

Source: Buy Ketchup in May and Fly at Noon: A Guide to the Best Time to Buy This, Do That and Go There

New Fatigue Busting Habit – Sleep tight.
7 fool-proof ways to get the sleep you need to stop feeling tired and wired.

There is one major reason why so many of us are tired all the time, sleep deprivation. Sometimes it’s because we allow ourselves to turn into zombies in front of the boob tube. Other times a metabolic imbalance can trigger insomnia. Ah, I know this one too well. Here are my favorite insomnia-busting tools and tricks …

1. The 10:00 p.m. bedtime hour. It is critical that people with fatigue and sleep problem be in bed and well on their way towards sleep by 10:00 p.m. Why? There is a dreaded adrenal gland “second wind” that kicks Continue reading

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Fatigue Causes – Toxic Relationships, Energy Vampires and the “News”

Fatigue is a complex topic. If you are feeling tired all the time you can bet you are under the spell of a combination of fatigue factors. The culprits include but are not limited to: your diet, exercise, finances, work environment, lifestyle and the quality of your relationships. Today I’d like to address just one of these, relationships gone bad.

Do you feel more fatigue around certain people? I do. In fact three chronically fatiguing Continue reading

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Feeling Tired? Try these easy and delicious energy-boosting recipes.

An all-natural way to

Adrenal Fatigue Recipes

Adrenal Fatigue Recipes

stop feeling so tired is to UP the amount and frequency of the following adrenal-boosting super foods: Sea salt, Kelp, Green and ripe black olives, Dulse, Hot red peppers, New Zealand Spinach, Swiss chard, Beet greens, Celery (leaves and root), and Zucchini. Speaking of frequency, you also want to be eating every two to three hours. No complaints here!

Whenever I feel tired, and first thing in the morning, I drink an 8oz glass of water with a quarter tsp. of Sea Salt.  If you crave salt this is an excellent addition for your diet too. (People with adrenal fatigue typically suffer from low blood pressure and sodium loss within the cells*.) Source:  Dr. James Wilson, author, Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century Syndrome

Stop feeling tired. Start with breakfast.
An adrenal fatigue symptom is the lack of an a.m. appetite. As part of recovery you MUST feed your adrenal glands the “good” stuff and do so before 10:00 a.m. May I recommend the Oatmeal Energy Boost?!

What about lunch? How about … The Adrenal Fatigue Buster Soup!
or the Tuna Fish Plus Anti-Oxidants — Yum!

Adrenal gland recovery dinners include:
* Sautéed Spinach or Kale Delight

* Shrimp & Papaya & Mango & Chicken, Oh my…
and the … Pretty Delicious Stir-Fry

All Day Long … sips and snacks:

* Sips:  Sparkling Cinnamon, Ginger Water. Ahhhhhh.
and Click Here Licorice Tea. Licorice is extremely beneficial for rejuvenating your adrenal glands. I love it hot or on ice.
(Psst. Stay off of coffee and other sugar or caffeine based drinks. These will only continue your energy boost, crash and burn syndrome.)

* Snacks: Walnuts, fresh peanuts in shells, hard boiled eggs and small amounts of dried fruit. Crunch on lots of carrots! Did you know that crunching on hard objects, like carrots, naturally releases tension from the jaw which most of us need!

Extra, extra!
Homemade Taco Seasoning

* Twenty of the World’s Healthiest Foods


Psst. Do you have an adrenal gland healing recipe to share with us? Please e-mail it to: Viveca@FatigueBeGone.com
We’ll be sure to add a mention and link back to your site. Thanks!


Learn how to eliminate fatigue and stop feeling so tired – on a weekly basis with the Fatigue Be Gone newsletter! Register and receive tips, tricks and tools to help you get your groove back. Click here to subscribe and receive our exceptionally popular reports including: “Why Am I So Tired?” and “Take Your Pulse” – a secret re-energizing shortcut.

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Feeling Tired? Try this easy and delicious energy-boosting soup recipe.

Adrenal Fatigue Busting Soup RecipeThe Adrenal Fatigue Busting Soup!

2 Cups Chopped Green Beans (One inch pieces)
2 Cups Chopped Celery
2 Cups Chopped Zucchini
1 medium onion, chopped
5 crushed garlic cloves (Crush then let sit for up to fifteen minutes before cooking.)
Handful of chopped kale (Ten large leaves without stems. Feed the stems to your dog!)
2 tbsp. raw honey
2 cups fresh water
2 cups chicken broth

2 TBSP Seaweed
1 ½ TBSP Salt/Kelp Mix
Your “Super Beneficial” Blood Type Diet Spices

Directions:  Combine everything and let simmer for an hour. Freeze half so you will have fast and easy lunches or dinner additionas.

This recipe goes great with left-overs thrown in! Add in last night’s chicken and brown rice or a left over hard-boiled egg. Whatever you have on hand will only make this even more scrumptious. Also review the “Super Beneficial” Blood Type Diet Food list for all healthy addition ideas. 

Anytime I cook I “double up” the recipe. Then I freeze single servings in empty jam and sauce glass jars. This makes the perfect portion sized servings for easy lunches and dinners.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?
Click here for more information to help yourself feel better – fast.

*Recipe inspired by the following Source
: Dolores S. Downey’s “Taz” soup, “Balancing body chemistry with nutrition seminars,” Cannonburg, MI 49317, page 158.

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