Energy Boosting Smoothie: Apple/Kale/Mint Smoothie plus Flax

Would you like something super tasty, energy-boosting and FAST to make and take on the go, Go, GO?!

Here it is, my favorite smoothie recipe. Just combine the following in your blender. (I use the “Magic Bullet” – super easy to use and clean up afterwards.)

Apple/Kale/Mint plus Flax Smoothie Recipe

One apple, quartered, core removed (Roughage/Anti-oxidant)
Handful of Chopped and Pre-Washed Kate (Anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory) Continue reading

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Energy Boost Secret

Energy Boost Secret - Dog Walking

Walks off the lbs and pack on the energy and the TLC!

Energy Boost Secret: Walk pups in need and you’ll loose LBS while gaining the energy you need!

I have three doctors. My left leg, my right leg and my dog
– Viveca Stone-Berry

One of the easiest and most enjoyable ways I’ve found to boost my energy, physically and emotionally, is by volunteering as a dog-walker at my local shelter. I call it an “energy-boost secret” because so few people seem to know about it!

While it is no secret that exercise is essential to boost our energy and maintain our brain-power, we who battle fatigue also know how easy it is to bail out of the commitment we make to ourselves, even to our friend who is expecting us at the gym … When you’re tired all the time the couch looks huge and comfy and the gym is so far, far away. One tomorrow leads to the next …

What you don’t know is how next-to-impossible it is to Continue reading

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Arthritis Joint Pain – Opportunity to stay loose, loose stubborn belly fat and find new friends

Arthritis Joint Pain can be your curse or your wake up call and a blessing. Guess who gets to choose? Three letter word —  sounds like Casper the ghost’s favorite word …

What causes arthritis joint pain in the first place? For most it is simply a side affect of aging, a result of lifetime wear and tear. The most common form, osteoarthritis, shows up as joint inflammation and swelling, joint pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. In case you think these are good reasons to be a couch potato, think again.

Move it or loose it Joint lubrication and flexibility.
My dentist once told me to “only floss the teeth” I wanted to keep. Isn’t that a horrifying image? I’ve been a flossing daily ever since. Same thing goes for “only moving the muscles, bones and joints” you think you’d like to use.

Walking specialist Mary Anne Dunkin puts it another way, “walking strengthens muscles, which helps shift pressure from joints and reduce pain. And repeated walking Continue reading

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8 Favorite Energy Boosting & Healing Resources

clipart_redaward1Here are 8 of my favorite energy boosting & healing resources. Which should you try today? Use your intuition and pick whichever ONE is calling your name or catching your eye. I say ONE because a characteristic of tired women and men is that we are constantly doing too much and often second guessing ourselves instead of going with out “gut.”

Whichever ONE you pick is the right item – right action for you today. Enjoy it and pass this page on to a harried girl or guy friend!

Which ONE? Whoever comes to mind first.

1. What is – Who is B.O.B? (And how to get rid it it – him?)

2. Fatigue & Fear — Yikes. How to breakthrough and live fearlessly

3. ARGG & Ahhhhh with Magma Plus Greens

4. Life Keeps Getting Better with Terry Hernon MacDonald

5. Re-Energize Yourself with the Power of Food Combining

6. 3 Free Ways to De-Stress Today!

7. Relax and Re-Energize with a little purring and petting

8. Fatigue Speedbump … Energy Vampire … What hit me?

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