If only watching T.V. would …

If only watching T.V. would make us healthier and wealthier and re-energized and … can you imagine how great our lives would be since most of us watch so darn much of it?! (The average American watches some 4+ hours a day.)

I am on a T.V. fast. I’ve been threatening my husband with it for months, but not until today have I really embraced my good/great intention.

So, just for today I haven’t heard about a half dozen horrible gender and sexual conditions with symptoms that seem awfully familiar. Just for today I haven’t been reminded about how close I am to having IRS problems that require a retired IRS agent, and all his contacts, to resolve. Just for today I haven’t given up two to three hours of my life and received nothing but eye-strain, back pain and dirty looks from my dog who wants to go out for a walk.

Just for today I don’t feel guilty about wasting my time. (I wish I could do clever things while watching T.V. but I can’t. I can just watch and eat – preferably rocky road ice cream.) Just for today I am not tired of sitting on my bum and of not following my own sage advice to TURN it off and turn LIFE ON.

Whew. Do you want to join me?

I don’t know how long I can last but it would be fun to have some company on this journey (besides my husband who will become my unwitting accomplice when I cancel the cable service this week. Shhhhhhh. Don’t rat me out. Maybe he won’t notice?)

Psssst. Get re-energized on a regular basis with Fatigue Be Gone NEWS! Receive tips, tricks and tools to help you get your groove back. Subscribers also receive free reports, including our exceptionally popular “Why Am I So Tired?” and “Take Your Pulse” – a secret re-energizing shortcut. Subscribe TODAY at http://fatiguebegone.com/newsletter.htm.

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Tired, and it’s only Tuesday?

When was the last time you thought about or were tested for Adrenal Fatigue or Allergies or Borderline Anemia or Candida or Dehydration or Eye Strain or …

Most fatigues don’t show up on our annual physical results. And, we’re too busy in our heads to notice how are bodies feel. We say we’re “O.k.” or “Fine” or “Getting Along.” We discount our fatigue and blame it on the holidays “everyone is tired“, or staying up too late or getting up too early … It’s the worry about the wedding, the move, the new job, the newborn, his parents, , my parents, the boss, PMS …

My personal favorite … “being tired is just a natural part of getting older.”

What are your favorite excuses for feeling tired today?

I used all the above plus some! Never thought I was tired – just thought that’s how life went. Finally it got baaaaaaaad. You can read my story, click here.

I hit bottom and had to stop & figure out what was going on. Was it physical, emotional, spiritual?

It took me a year and half to get my groove back. Now my mission is to help other women get to their “bottom line” & re-Energize – fast. Here’s a starting point for your journey. The A, B, C, D, E, G, HHidden Fatigue” Suspects …

A – Adrenal Fatigue – Affects up to 80% of the population! If you are most tired between 3pm – 5pm AND … click here for more

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