Are You Constantly Tired? You May Be Suffering from Adrenal Fatigue

Kathy Browning is one of my favorite researchers and writers. Whatever topic she covers she explains in a clear, thorough and friendly vs. “high brow” manner. Her favorite topics are women’s health and gourmet food. Love that combo!

Here is one such article, very applicable to our topic.

Are You Constantly Tired? You May Be Suffering from Adrenal Fatigue
Research Shows that Nearly 80 Percent of Americans Suffer from Adrenal Fatigue

Do you have a type “A” personality? Do you feel that you never do enough although everyone tells you to slow down and smell the roses? Do you eat a poor diet, have too much stress or get inadequate sleep? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be suffering from adrenal fatigue.

Research shows that nearly 80 percent of Americans suffer from adrenal fatigue. Yes, you read that right – an astounding 80 percent of the U.S. population is affected by adrenal fatigue syndrome.

Adrenal fatigue is a collection of symptoms … click here for the rest of the article


Psst. If you are interested in participating in our book club, this month’s featured title is “The Dynamic Laws of Healing“, please check back tomorrow for the second installment. Topic is “The “No” Law of Healing.”

Sorry I didn’t post this on Monday. It has been a crazy, taxing, week. No pun intended. Taxes – get it?!

One more thing – you may want to sign up as a “follower” of our blog so you don’t miss out on our club or other energy boosting topics!
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Fatigue & Fear — Yikes. How to breakthrough and live fearlessly

Nothing exhausts our resources — financial, professional, emotional and physical like fear. In fact, the fastest way to fail is to simply stay in that paralyzing fight or flight space and wait for the other shoe to drop …

One of my favorite mentors, Henry Ford, once said:
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.

Today, make a break from your past or present and decide to live fearlessly. Another favorite mentor, Guy Finley, can show you just how to do that in his new breakthrough book, The Essential Laws of Fearless Living.

Click here for more information about this work and the 152 FREE GIFTS that are included with the purchase of his book. Includes my bonus offer — Best Of Get Ready For Love! Show Interviews and Topics. (Happy relationships are the ultimate fatigue busters!)

Get re-energized on a regular basis with the Fatigue Be Gone newsletter! Receive tips, tricks and tools to help you get your groove back. Subscribers also receive free reports, including our exceptionally popular “Why Am I So Tired?” and “Take Your Pulse” – a secret re-energizing shortcut. Subscribe TODAY at
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Fatigue Cause Alert – MSG – Do you feel tired, depressed and achy?

The MSG fatigue culprit recently came under my radar. My dude has been suffering from migraine headaches (3-5 week.) I used to have a couple a year until my forties … Since then I’ve gone up to 4 to 5 a month – not fun.

Long story short – research led me to a list of things to eliminate from our diet and lifestyle. Tippy top of that list is MSG.

Results? We are having fewer migraines, they are less severe and don’t last as long. We also really notice when it slips back into our diet via a store bought “goodie” or a reckless restaurant escapade.

My first warning sign is fatigue and feeling achy and depressed -– then comes the headache. Michael’s warning is the migraine followed by the aches, low energy and blahs. Here is bottom line info to help you check out of Club MSG.

MSG a.k.a. Monosodium Glutamate is a “flavor enhancer.” It is also called an “excitotoxin” or neurotoxin by neurologists and is believed to have degenerative and deadly effects on the brain and nervous system.

Common side effects of MSG include: Fatigue, achy muscles and joints and headaches, migraines, depression, anxiety and obesity.

Fatigue Be Gone’s Easy 1-2-3 to MSG Elimination:

1. Be Ruthless. Go through your spice cabinet, food pantry and freezer and throw away anything that lists MSG or its pals which include:

Autolyzed “anything”
Caseinate (sodium or calcium)
Citric acid
Commercial soup or sauce base
Corn byproducts: corn syrup,
Hydrolyzed “anything”
Malted barley flour
Malt extract
Monosodium glutamate
Natural flavor/flavorings
Seasonings, Spice (check ingredients for anything on this list.)
Soy, wheat, whey protein
Soy, fish, or bean sauces
Yeast extract or nutrient
And NutraSweet.

2. Shop Smart. Carry the above list with you when you go grocery shopping. Hint: Stick to the outside perimeter of the supermarket. The inner isles offer MSG and other chemical laden foods i.e. most canned soups and boxed foods, lunch foods, condiments, TV dinners and sodas. And, beware of foods sold as “heart smart” and “weight loss.” When fat and sugar are removed something needs to take those spots …

3. Dine Out Smart. Before you make that reservation call the restaurant and ask if their food is MSG Free.

Is your fatigue caused by MSG? Use the above information to completely eliminate it from your diet then notice and note how you feel over the next couple weeks . The old fashioned way of trial and error works well and is cheap to implement. You just need a memo book, a pen and a blush of resolve.

Psst. If you’re lacking resolve just remember that you are sick & tired of feeling tired AND willing to do whatever it takes to get your groove back!

Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart! e-Guide provides useful forms and journals to help you keep track of vital health information. Simply fill out the forms and provide to your doctor. Discover simple home medical tests that can save both time and money. A “must-have” for anyone who is tired of being tired. Order your copy today at (

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Advancing Health Blog and the Glycimic Index

I just found an excellent post and indepth explanation of the Glycemic Index on the Advancing Health Blog. If this story reminds you of you do click on the link at the bottom for more information including a happy ending …

I was thin most of my life and then it hit me. I started gaining weight around my middle, my thighs, chest and neck. Even my face became fat! I went to my doctor and asked him what I could do. He said, “Exercise more and eat less.” Well, duh! I was expecting something a little more profound than that. I followed his advice and came back in a month. When I got on the scale, I weighed MORE! How could this be, doc? He said that when I increased my exercise, it must have made me hungrier and I must have eaten more. I don’t think so. When I was younger, all I had to do was think about losing weight and it would come right off (fast). Why was it so tough now? It’s a simple formula, isn’t it? Burn more calories than you take in. I had done that all my life and it always worked before. What had changed?

I did not know it but I had put my body on a high-glycemic roller coaster ride. For many years, it was not a problem. My body seemed to handled it just fine with no telling symptoms. Then, all of the sudden, I started putting on 10-15 pounds a year. I was always tired in the afternoon and I found that my memory was not as good as it had been before. The results of the roller coaster had finally caught up with me.

Here’s how the glycemic roller coaster works.” (Click there for the rest of the story.)

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Fatigue Cause – Anxiety – Read all about some natural remedies for Anxiety

This is good info. In my experience anxiety is a major cause for fatigue. Aside from this article, do tune into my interview with Harriet Lerner, author, The Dance of Fear …

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

What is Anxiety?

Although it’s normal to feel anxious from time to time, if you feel anxious without reason and if these worries persist and affect your day-to-day life, you may have generalized anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder may include restlessness, feeling tense or on edge, irritability, impatience, or poor concentration. People may also notice changes in their physical health such as headaches, jaw pain, muscle tension, difficulty falling or staying asleep (insomnia), dry mouth, fatigue, chest tightness, indigestion, bloating, excessive sweating, and headache.

It’s important to be evaluated by your doctor for a proper diagnosis and to rule out other medical problems that may resemble anxiety.

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

These are some of the natural remedies that are being explored for anxiety. Click here for the rest of the article …

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