An Energizing Benefit of Friendship – Laughter!

You know that saying … “Cry and you cry alone. Laugh and the world laughs with you.”

Well for one thing, when I cry I often am alone. When I cry with a friend I usually end up laughing!

For example … once I was crying over being rejected by a man. It had been – shall we say – just one of a series of rejections spanning a couple YEARS of my life. And, prior to being dumped, I’d been looking forward to the date of a lifetime. He was a gourmet cook who was having me over for a delicious meal that would end with candlelight playing off of his sweet face as he played the piano and sang songs that he must have written just for me. (Really, this was the game plan.)

Then came the end-all-call “I feel sick.” he said. “We were having dinner tonight? Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I’ll call you soon.”

I hung up and went straight into despair. At that precise moment, Marci called.

“Marci” I said. “My love life is so bad that I am even being rejected by midgits.” (He was very, very short and I am very, very tall. But like I said it had been YEARS and he sang, and cooked and I was starting to see myself looking more and more like Queer Noor…)

Marci & I exploded with laughter – even though I was at that moment absolutely serious. Then she shared some of her pre-hubby escapades and she reminded me of how beautiful and fun and intelligent I was …

That is what friends are for – they help us laugh at ourselves and life and get back into the game.

Want to LOL (Laugh Outloud) right now? Here are a couple of my favorite funny hotspots including: Mojo1000 Observations of a bus driver hacking life with a dull blade” Jonathon is a hoot!

Then there is my beloved My brother Richard takes awesome dog photos – adds quirky captions and voila! We have a pack of note cards to cheer on our human friends and raise money, the funny way, for our fur friends. Help us – help yourself and order a pack today!

Then I always enjoy stopping by Paul Gilligans Pooch Cafe. This link often pulls up his daily strip – sometimes it pulls up his innermost thoughts. Sometimes they are the same!

Finally, the photo here is of my new puppy, Albert. He is a 2 year old Bichon Frise that we adopted 2 months ago. A is a constant source of amusement & has our household on the run!

Right now he is chasing Gengus Kitty which is good. Gengus is my 18lb Persian who needs to lose a few lbs and is bigger and stronger than Albert! At night when I am working on the couch Albert will jump on me, lick me and drive me off of this keyboard. That’s good. You don’t hear of people getting carpel tunnel from petting and playing with pooches! Then Alby constantly makes my husband laugh – even giggle.

If you are Albert-less and Kitty-less, go to This weekend is a great time to bring home a little more love and laughter. (By the way – if you are bringing home one why not two? Ask the shelter if the pup or cat of your dreams has a special friend who would like to come home with them.)
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I am taking a risk by posting this “funny.”

This is dark humor – not everyone – including you – may find this funny. And, if you are not amused you may think that I am terrible person to roll with laughter over just about everyone of them.

There are those who laughed all the way through Pulp Fiction and those who didn’t laugh once. Which are you? If you are the latter PLEASE skip today’s humor and come back tomorrow for a fresh inspiration.

Still here? Then click here to see the big picture behind such jewels as … (when you click there scroll down the page.)

It’s always darkest just before it goes pitch black.

You were meant for me. Perhaps as a punishment.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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Humor Month – Laughter is a GREAT energy boost.

Did you know that April – all 30 days of April – is officially “Humor Month?”

There is one simple thing that can raise our energy, help us sleep tight at night, boost our positive vibrations and heal our bods. It is humor. Too many of us are getting and giving ourselves way too little of it.

Thank goodness we now have a month to work on this. (Kudos to founder, Humorist Larry Wilde,

Here is my contribution to you for today and please check back. I will do my best to have some hilarious for you everyday.


Click here to read all about the healing benefits of laughter OR here to see how our endorphins look when we laugh (WOW) here for doggone humor with Poncho of Pooch Cafe OR here to visit, Michael always has something uplifting going on!

Want to add in to this topic? Please do! See the “Comments?” Click on that to post a joke, a link to a hilarious video or photos, or anything at all.

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