Start your journey tonight with

Several months ago I wrote that “Fatigue is a dis-ease of the spirit.”

I don’t recall if I shared this “ah ha” with you. It has been nibbling at me ever since.

A recent health crisis/opportunity pushed me to re-connect with friends and healers. Amazing discoveries and gifts of spirit have been popping up ever since! I would like to share one of them with you today. This service provides nightly, healing visualizations based on the assumption “We all have the innate ability to heal ourselves. The power of the mind is infinite. The power of desire is miraculous.”

I took my first healing journey with them last night. It was luscious! Twenty minutes flew by and today I am settling in around the insights gained. I’ll be back there tonight for round two …

Psst. This is a FREE service. What a gift! Enjoy.

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