Fatigue Cause — The Uncompleted Task.

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of the uncompleted task. -Henry James

Oh no.
Oh no, not again.
There’s an alternative.
It’s worse.

Now you knoclipart_deathw which uncompleted task will be ruining my weekend. Actually “ruining” is a point of view. Once completed I’ll be released from the fuss, the freet and the dread. YIPPEE!

What uncompleted task is exhausting you physically and putting lead in your joie de vivre? Take it on this weekend and get ‘er done. On Monday we’ll clear its energy out and share the energy-boosting benefits of our fruit and veggie day a.k.a., The Monday Club.

Hugs to you and send me some! Viveca

P.S. Sorry. It is not obvious how to leave messages. You have to click on the title i.e. “Fatigue Cause.” This pulls up its topic page. Then, just scroll down and you will see the “comments” box.

P.S.S. Have you signed up to receive the Fatigue Be Gone Newsletter yet? Goes out almost weekly and includes a couple brief, bottom-line, energy-boosting tips. Try it!

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Tired all the time?

Boost-energy. Eliminate fatigue and insomnia. How? Sleep.

Tired all the time? Time to learn how to sleep tight all night.

Tired all the time? Time to learn how to sleep tight all night.

There is one major reason why so many of us are tired all the time. Crappy sleep a.k.a. insomnia. This feel-good thief sneaks up on me just like it sneaks up on you. By Friday I am a mess unless I’ve been up to my favorite insomnia-busting tricks …

1. The 10:00 p.m. bedtime hour. It is critical that people with fatigue and sleep problem be in bed and well on their way towards sleep by 10:00 p.m. Why? There is a dreaded adrenal gland “second wind” that kicks in around 11:00 p.m. and it launches an exhausting two to three hour cycle of insomnia.  Let me say this another way so you really get it.

If you don’t want to toss and turn and huff and puff in frustration until 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. you must be sound asleep before 11:00 p.m.

2. The 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. snooze. This may seem like the impossible dream. Start with a Saturday or Sunday. Then make it every Saturday and Sunday. Make deals with your spouse, friend, neighbor …

According to Dr. James Wilson, author, Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, “There is something magical about the restorative power of sleep between 7:00-9:00 in the morning for people with adrenal fatigue.” Sometimes I’ll get up early – do what I need to do – and go back to bed during this time. As often as possible I’ll sleep in on weekends to tap into this magic.

3. The 2:00 p.m. Power Nap.  According to Dr. Lynn Hasher this is not luxury, it is the “best time of the day” to take a break and refresh our bodies and our brains so that we can be incredibly productive for the rest of the day. (Tell that to your boss and co-workers.) So, go to your car, close the door to your office — do whatever you need to do and slip a power nap into your day.
Psst. This is my problem-solving time of the day. I put out a question or request to my angels, shut my eyes and wake up fifteen minutes later with a solution. Amazing.

Three of my favorite sleep inducing resources:

* Inspirational Books: Always end your day, in bed with an inspirational book chapter (not a murder mystery thriller.)
For topics oriented to love and relationship please visit the Get Ready For Love Booklist. For mind/body health and inspiration there is the Fatigue Be Gone Reading Room.

* Healing Music: Soothe your mind and body while you sleep with Dr. Weil’s Self-Healing with Sound and Music CD

* Experiment with your sleeping “arrangements.” Do what you need to do. Rearrange your bedroom. Change your sheets. Get rid of any and all sleep obstacles even if doing so makes you feel mean and unloving. In the past three years I’ve gone from a husband, a dog and a bird to the same husband, six dogs, 3 cats and a bird. My bed has become a tad crowded.

Could that be contributing to recent spats of insomnia? Last night I ran an experiment and kicked all the cats and dogs OFF the bed. I didn’t kick off my husband but he kindly took his hacking cough into anther bedroom. Anyway … I slept and slept and slept and woke up this morning like the happy woman in the Ambian commercials minus the side affects or potential health problems.
So my friend, give this a whirl over the weekend and drop me a note on Monday. I’d love to hear how it works (or doesn’t) for you.



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Adrenal Fatigue. Does my daughter have “it?”

Concerned mom wants to know why her daughter is tired all the time
Letter from a reader
Hi Viveca,
I was searching the web trying to find some way to help my daughter and found your website.  She has all of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.  She is 21 and has always been very skinny and energetic.  She has gained 40 pounds in the last two years and has terrible acne along with all of the other symptoms you listed.  I understand the emotional aspects, but I am wondering if you are taking anything for adrenal fatigue and if so, is it helping?  I am desperate to help my daughter.  She just moved to LA to persue a career in acting and this has the odds stacked against her.  The worst it gets the more stressed she becomes.  I would love to hear back from you.  Thank you very much.
– Concerned Mom

Dear Mom,

When I was about her age and going full throttle I use to regularly wear myself out and into bronchitis. A very wise doctor I had at that time would say to me “you can keep going and go into pneumonia and break your health and take a very long time to recover or, you can go to bed for a few days and get some rest.” That blunt style worked for me and I’d head to bed.

Left untreated, adrenal fatigue can go into adrenal failure in which you break your health. Unlike adrenal fatigue, adrenal failure can take years to recover. So, perhaps you could mention that you’d spoken with an expert who said she could either make a few changes NOW or take a few years off to recover. Blunt worked best with me then and now.

I am not a doctor and always recommend visiting a physician to determine if there are underlying causes. That being said, if your daughter decides to make changes I would recommend she do the following Continue reading

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Annual Physical: HUGE opportunity to uncover why you feel so tired.

Do you feeTired all the time? Schedule time to find out why.l tired all the time? If so, now is the time to schedule that annual physical. Most health insurance plans cover the cost of this exam.  Too bad most of us walk into this appointment with less preparation than we’d put into a Baskin & Robbins outing! Is this because it is free? Partly. The big reason is a characteristic typically expressed by chronically fatigued women and men. We (cough, cough) tend to not take care of ourselves or take notice of our “selves.” We take great care of our significant others, work and community obligations BUT when it comes to self-care … we flat line.

I’m not putting anyone down. Look to your right or left – that’s me in the trenches next to you!

Next Thursday, March 11th, is a very important doctor’s appointment. Nine days out. Today I started filling out the Fatigue Be Gone “Daily Food & Activity Log.”  This log is designed to help uncover your fatigue causes and symptoms, patterns and blocks. Click here a copy you can start using today. PDF file.   http://www.fatiguebegone.com/LOG_dailyfoodandactivity030210.pdf

So far I’ve uncovered the following fatigue causes & culprits …

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Finish what you start. A taxing weekend is part of your recovery from fatigue.

One symptom of Adrenal Fatigue is that we sufferers are easily overwhelmed by everyday tasks. We operate in an exhausting world of “brain fog,” hyper-sensitivity and poor short term memory. It is easy for us to lose track of bank balances, anniversaries, personal commitments and to feel constantly “behind,” frustrated and angry.

overwhelmed feeling feed adrenal fatigue

overwhelmed feeling feed adrenal fatigue

Then, add in an unwanted seasonal project like … tax preparation … and in comes the rage, insomnia, anxiety and extreme a.m., can’t-get-out-of-bed, fatigue.

Have you seen that stop smoking commercial about how “quitting smoking sucks. “product name” makes it suck less.” I encourage to follow my lead and have one sucky tax preparation weekend then to put of off (but never out of mind) and drag it through weeks of evenings. That’s what I did last year and the year before and the year before.

This time I will gather everything I need in one room. (and avoid the Zig Zag Syndrome. See below.) I will close the door – light the scented candle – have all my favorite music and pets near at hand and FINISH what I started three weeks ago. My husband can take over breakfast, lunch and dinner duty (as I did for him last weekend and the weekend before and …) Did you know that most people stricken by Adrenal Fatigue tend to be “Type As” who have a difficult time asking for help? True.

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