DUMP “it” NOW! Journal Technique Eliminates Anxiety and Fatigue

General Anxiety Disorders affects 4 million Americans, 2.8% of the population.
Women are twice as likely to be afflicted as men.

Does “it”, anxiety, fuel fatigue or does fatigue boost anxiety?  Don’t know if I’ll ever know the answer to that question but here is a 5-Minute Journal technique to  help you soothe the beast and feel Continue reading

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Fatigue Causes – Toxic Relationships, Energy Vampires and the “News”

Fatigue is a complex topic. If you are feeling tired all the time you can bet you are under the spell of a combination of fatigue factors. The culprits include but are not limited to: your diet, exercise, finances, work environment, lifestyle and the quality of your relationships. Today I’d like to address just one of these, relationships gone bad.

Do you feel more fatigue around certain people? I do. In fact three chronically fatiguing Continue reading

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Finish what you start. A taxing weekend is part of your recovery from fatigue.

One symptom of Adrenal Fatigue is that we sufferers are easily overwhelmed by everyday tasks. We operate in an exhausting world of “brain fog,” hyper-sensitivity and poor short term memory. It is easy for us to lose track of bank balances, anniversaries, personal commitments and to feel constantly “behind,” frustrated and angry.

overwhelmed feeling feed adrenal fatigue

overwhelmed feeling feed adrenal fatigue

Then, add in an unwanted seasonal project like … tax preparation … and in comes the rage, insomnia, anxiety and extreme a.m., can’t-get-out-of-bed, fatigue.

Have you seen that stop smoking commercial about how “quitting smoking sucks. “product name” makes it suck less.” I encourage to follow my lead and have one sucky tax preparation weekend then to put of off (but never out of mind) and drag it through weeks of evenings. That’s what I did last year and the year before and the year before.

This time I will gather everything I need in one room. (and avoid the Zig Zag Syndrome. See below.) I will close the door – light the scented candle – have all my favorite music and pets near at hand and FINISH what I started three weeks ago. My husband can take over breakfast, lunch and dinner duty (as I did for him last weekend and the weekend before and …) Did you know that most people stricken by Adrenal Fatigue tend to be “Type As” who have a difficult time asking for help? True.

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What’s the rush? NO – Don’t Rush – STOP.


What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important
– President Eisenhower

Our politicians are in a hurry to take over our excellent health care. Instead of talking to us – gathering our input – they are pushing fast to ram through their version of “care.” Why? Follow the money … they just can’t get their hands on it fast enough.

The thought of having officious idiots – the kind that run my Home-owner’s Association – deciding my care makes me want to puke.

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Stress is Exhausting. Simple ways to ease back into easier street

I don’t know about you but I am feeling a HIGH level of stress and anxiety right now. Knowing that staying stuck in this place doesn’t help me or anyone I love I am getting back into my diet, mental and spiritual basics.

If you are here reading this … you may be a stress mess too! Here, give these resources a visit. Click on whichever is calling your name and please pass this posting onto a friend in need.

Favorite Relaxation CDs — I am listening to one now with a splash of lavender essence oil in my diffuser. Heavenly.

As A Man Thinketh (And a woman.) Much of what goes on around and outside of ourselves is out of our control. This helps bring the focus back to exactly what we can control – our thinking. Excellent.

Happiness Study — Be happy live 7.5 to 10 years longer — Read this then call and cheer a friend up … you will be cheered up too!

Action – the antidote to angst. Absolutely. Take a walk, get involved with a cause, help a neighbor …

Re-Energizing Internet Resources to Overcome Fatigue Lots of great opportunities here.

Breath in, breath out, breath. Relaxation Tip – Re-Energizing Technique

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