One symptom of Adrenal Fatigue is that we sufferers are easily overwhelmed by everyday tasks. We operate in an exhausting world of “brain fog,” hyper-sensitivity and poor short term memory. It is easy for us to lose track of bank balances, anniversaries, personal commitments and to feel constantly “behind,” frustrated and angry.
overwhelmed feeling feed adrenal fatigue
Then, add in an unwanted seasonal project like … tax preparation … and in comes the rage, insomnia, anxiety and extreme a.m., can’t-get-out-of-bed, fatigue.
Have you seen that stop smoking commercial about how “quitting smoking sucks. “product name” makes it suck less.” I encourage to follow my lead and have one sucky tax preparation weekend then to put of off (but never out of mind) and drag it through weeks of evenings. That’s what I did last year and the year before and the year before.
This time I will gather everything I need in one room. (and avoid the Zig Zag Syndrome. See below.) I will close the door – light the scented candle – have all my favorite music and pets near at hand and FINISH what I started three weeks ago. My husband can take over breakfast, lunch and dinner duty (as I did for him last weekend and the weekend before and …) Did you know that most people stricken by Adrenal Fatigue tend to be “Type As” who have a difficult time asking for help? True.
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