Are you tired of feeling achy?

I have been one achy babe since awhile now. Like fatigue, achy muscles and joints just seemed to sneak into my life little by little until I felt it – day in and day out. Some nights I even found it hard to sleep because of the discomfort.

Enter Dr. Greg Kangleon … “Oh yeah” he said. “You need to be take calcium. Aching muscles and foot and leg cramps are signs of a calcium deficiency.” Go figure. What a relief. I was imagining the worst.

Started taking 1/2 teaspoon (600 mg) of powered Calcium Carbonate everyday and immediately feel so much better.

Easy and frugal solution.

Easy and frugal solution.

If you are feeling “off” please talk to your doc. Your own solution could be just as easy and inexpensive to fix as mine!

P.S. If you live in San Diego I highly recommend Greg. He has been Doctor Solution for me for years and although I live in Virginia now I always have a check up with him when I am out for a visit.

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20 minutes a day – or less.

Some fatigue causes really are “in our heads.” One of mine is the unfinished-task-fatigue. Right now (and often) my energy is zapped by the mental fatigue of these nagging tasks.

Easy way to boost energy and eliminate mental fatigue.

Eliminate "Unfinished Task" Fatigue

Easiest solution is take them on, 20-minutes at a time.

This morning I put in my fourth 20-minute session weeding a backyard terrace. It was a complete mess, now it needs maybe one more go and it is complete. Continue reading

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Energy Boosting Smoothie: Apple/Kale/Mint Smoothie plus Flax

Would you like something super tasty, energy-boosting and FAST to make and take on the go, Go, GO?!

Here it is, my favorite smoothie recipe. Just combine the following in your blender. (I use the “Magic Bullet” – super easy to use and clean up afterwards.)

Apple/Kale/Mint plus Flax Smoothie Recipe

One apple, quartered, core removed (Roughage/Anti-oxidant)
Handful of Chopped and Pre-Washed Kate (Anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory) Continue reading

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How to make your energy-boosting “Breakfast Bar”

How to make your energy-boosting “Breakfast Bar”
Start your day eating for energy and you’ll have it all-day-long.

Conversely, start your day skipping breakfast or eating high-sugar, energy zapping Micky Ds Breakfasts and you’ll feel like crap all-day-long. My last yummy MD breakfast put me into a migraine and on the couch all day. That was quite an expensive and time-consuming meal, eh?

If you’ll take a moment to set up your “Breakfast Bar” you can eat FAST and feel great. Here’s “how to” set it up:

1.    Refrigerator:  You’ll need a small storage container that will easily fit inside your fridge. Fill it with these energizing essentials: Dried Blueberries, Ground Flax Seeds, Bag of Walnut Pieces, Slivered Almonds, Sesame Seeds, Ground Cinnamon Spice Jar, Bob’s Gluten Free Oatmeal, Grits, Kelp, Chia Seeds, Spirulina and a jar of chopped garlic.

2.    Freezer:  Same idea. This where you’ll want to store Continue reading

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Boost your energy with a “2-Minute Breath Break”

Happy Thursday!

Before you read one more word please STOP what you’re doing. It is time to breathe …

The power behind the “2-Minute Breath Break” is so simple, so free and so available to you anytime and anywhere. All you need is you, your lungs and a couple minutes of your time.


Step 1.  Place the tip of your tongue up and behind your top front teeth (this is a pressure point).

Step 2. Close your mouth as you will be breathing in through your nose.

Step 3 Inhale slowly and quietly to the count of four.

Step 4 Hold your breath to the count of seven.

Step 5 Exhale audibly, through your mouth, to the count Continue reading

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