Fruit Smoothie, Veggie Greenie & Supplies for Monday

I’m back with those recipes for our Monday Fruit and Veggie Day. Have fun picking them yourself over the weekend or just pick-them-up at your local grocer. Do feel free to post and share your own recipes using the “Comment” option below!

Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Serves 2 to 3
8 fresh strawberries
1 ripe banana (could be frozen), cut into chunks
3/4 cup fresh strawberry juice (or black cherry juice)
1/2 cup almond or cashew milk
Ice cubes (optional)
Blend all ingredients and serve. If you want it thicker and colder, add ice cubes.
VARIATION: Add mango, papaya or pineapple for a Tropical Smoothie.

-adapted from recipe in The Healing Power of NatureFoods: 50 Revitalizing SuperFoods and Lifestyle Choices that Promote Vibrant Health

Ba-Ba-Ba-Beeting with Energy!
Serves 2 to 3
3 medium beets, quartered
6-8 carrots
6 leaves of Romain lettuce
1 cup fresh spinach
1 cut fresh kale
1 cucumber
handful parsley
inch of ginger
Juice all the ingredients and serve immediately. Add a squeeze of lemon. Sip slowly and enjoy.

-adapted from “Beet Veggie Juice” recipe in The Healing Power of NatureFoods

If you don’t have a juicer, just pick up a carton of all-natural, fresh apple, carrot and fresh green at your grocery or health food store. Check the “Sell By” Dates to get the freshest juice possible. Stay away for the sugary fruit juice drinks.

Also pick up a gallon of distilled water. Festive umbrellas are optional for recommended!

Cheers! Viveca

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It’s Monday. I’m hungry AND full of energy.

Long ago I had a fabulous mentor. Susan Smith Jones was the head of women’s athletics at UCLA and well on her way towards becoming a successful author, speaker and leader in the health and nutrition world.

I thought of her yesterday. I remembered how she led me through several cleansing fasts. (She would fast with the seasons.) She’d tell me that digestion takes a lot of energy from the body, digesting meat, dairy and fatty snacks. Last week I sorta fasted. It was a “flu fast,” lasted a couple days and was thoroughly cleansing. I’ll leave off the specifics.

Somehow thinking about Susan, the flu and how I want to lighten up without spending a fortune on special cleansing kits inspired me to go on a vegi and fruit cleanse today. This is the closest I can get to not eating. I am still hungry, starving, famished and fantasizing about things like pop tarts and Pizza Hut.

I will not give in. Surely I can do this for a day. Besides, urges last about 2 1/2 minutes. (Nicotine, Alcohol, Pizza Hut …) I will just get through one urge at a time. It will soon be dawn.

See the photo? This is what I am consuming today. Apple, carrots, celery, small cup of coffee (don’t need a headache), dried fruit, lots of water and some lemon in my water. I’ve also had a cup of green tea with honey.

PSST. Just for fun … there is also something in this picture that does not belong … The first person to notice it and post a comment will get a little something fun – go for it!

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The Fat Flush Diet Vegetable, Fruit & Protein Bath

The Fat Flush Foods is an excellent book by Ann Louise Gittleman. I came across it while researching the best way to cleanse my body right …

1 “bottom line” tip is to wash off toxic chemicals and preservatives. This also helps our fruits, vegetables and meats stay fresh longer. Win win win.

Here’s how – 3 Step Process:

* Step 1 – Add 1/2 teaspoon of regular ‘ol Clorox per 1 gallon of purified water. (I’m using tap until I get my filtered water set up.)

* Step 2– Soak away according to this schedule:
Leafy vegetables 15 minutes
Root, thick-skinned, or fibrous vegetables 30 minutes
Fruits 30 minutes
Poultry, fish, *meat and eggs 20 minutes

*don’t place ground meat in the bath. Frozen meat can be thawed in a Clorox bath. Allow for 20 minutes for up to 5 lbs of meat.

* Step 3 – Soak again for 10 minutes in clear water and rinse.

This is an easy routine to get into … I do it on Sunday nights then make up my veggie bags for the week. Doing more of less keeps it simple.

Till tomorrow … eat well, feel well and find something that makes you giggle and guffaw. Why?
Our adrenals thrive on the “hoot” boost. Need inspiration? Click here.

Bye the way … Have you signed up for the Fatigue Be Gone! NEWS? Click here and feel free to pass this info onto your girlfriends – anyone who wants to feel GREAT.

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Progress not perfection.

Start somewhere.

Me, I keep working my way towards the “ultimate” cleanse.

Ultimate to me means I have brought all the right foods and liquids. I have laid out a plan to follow and all systems are GO.

But in between now and that fabulous future is today.

Today I will plump up my chicken salad by adding in chopped cucumbers, squash, chives and apples. I will sprinkle in a couple TBSP of flax and wheat germ. Tonight we will eat a simple lean steak with a big salad side. Why? Because I got to start somewhere (no fast food, nothing white and no dairy) to start something.

Did you see the recipe for the plumped up – fiber & veggie filled meatloaf? Click here.

I’ll let you know when I actually get to the cleanse! We’ll call this the “pre-cleanse.” Does that work for you?

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Time to clean my house – temple – body. Keep reading about it – keep meaning to do it BUT somehow I keep putting it off. No more!

Since misery and bliss love company I am inviting, insisting, including my loving, supportive husband Michael.

I will share the plan and results. Feel free to join in and share … the more the merrier!

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