Fatigue & Colds – Is there a connection?

I was just asked about remedies for the common cold. Interesting because I was planning to write about the connection between fatigue and mental overload …

According to one of my teachers a cold indicates:
Too much going on at once. Mental confusion, disorder. Small hurts” and fatigue indicates:
Resistance, boredom. Lack of love for what one does.”
Louise Hay, Heal Your Body

Me – I am doing lots of things at once — experiencing mental confusion and not loving much of what I am doing! I am preparing to move – spending hours “on hold” making arrangements and filling out forms. Then I’ve been worrying about everything flowing smoothly … I haven’t even started pack yet!

So — my remedy for the “cold” and the “fatigue” is to take-it-easy and either do less or choose to be less bothered. Frustration and overwhelm is as much a choice as being relaxed and enjoying the sunset …

I do have one receipt for colds – a tea that I concocted years ago. Just the thought of it cures me!

The Cold Cure Brew: Bring water to boil is a sauce pan and add a pinch of Cinnamon; a pinch of cayenne pepper; a pinch of nutmeg; a pinch of sage; a pinch of ginger and a pinch of black pepper. Turn the heat down to low and let it brew for 10-15 mins then pour yourself a cup, slip in a couple Cinnamon sticks and sip away.

These are common spices that should be in your cupboard. This brew will raise your body temperature, increase your circulation and move that cold right on out!

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Suppliment Your Health

I was paying $100/month for my vitamin and supplement packs. I assumed they must have everything I needed … not so.

When I got around to actually reading the ingredients I found out that I was not receiving my daily recommended allowance of Magnesium and … the list went on.

Take a moment today and read your fine print. Know exactly what you are taking and supplement your supplements as needed!

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An inspirational & omnious little ditty …

Doing a little spring cleaning today – including some old “memo books” and I came across this little ditty …

Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later
have to find time for illness.

– modified from: Edward Stanley (1826-1893), The Conduct of Life.

Well – I for one am up for more healthy eating & a gentle cleansing. Last fall Michael & I did a togetherness cleanse and we felt GREAT! in time for the holidays.

It was easy – at least to remember. Nothing white (rice/bread/sugar) * lots & lots of vegies * any kind of meat * light on the fruits and those 8 glasses of water a day.

Anyone want to join us? Drop me a note!

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Self-Help – Help yourself – reach out & touch somebody!

Self-Help: How To Reach Out & Touch, literally.
Massages, Musings, Girlfriends & More

According to Researchers at Duke and the University of Arizona the number of true confidants that Americans say they have in on the decline. In fact, since the 1980s, it has dropped from about three to about two. And, about a fourth of Americans say they have no confidents outside of their families – twice the percentage of two decades ago.

Translation? Americans are increasingly cut off not only from emotional support but from the therapeutic benefits of physical touch as well. Humans, not just Americans, are pack animals. We are “hard-wired” to thrive in social, touchy feely environments. Studies have proven that a simple hug – a little touch – not only lowers output of cortisol, a stress hormone, but triggers a surge of our two “feel good” brains chemicals, serotonin and dopamine.

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