What will you do today? (instead of worry)

“Do you remember the things you were worrying about a year ago? How did they work out? Didn’t you waste a lot of fruitless energy on account of most of them? Didn’t most of them turn out all right after all?” – Dale Carnegie

Worry is exhausting. It is that rocking chair that goes back & forth and back & forth and straight to our adrenal glands. Worry is exhausting and sickening, literally.

Today do something to eliminate a worry and bring on a smiley.

Yes, get rid of nagging doubt, undone or resentment. Forgive someone. Help out your shelter and adopt a dog or cat. Call that friend you’ve been avoiding and treat her to a cup of coffee and a spoonful of compassion, optimism and good-humor. Apologize to your mother, start writing a love-note to your father to give to him on Father’s Day, mail the gift to your niece even though her birthday was in April! Admit you messed up and ask how you can make it up.

What will you do today to make you feel good about yourself? Tell me. Then tell me how good you feel!


P.S. Thanks to David Essel, author, Slow Down The Fastest Way To Get Everything You Want for inspiring this topic! You can hear his interview here: http://www.getreadyforlove.com/dessel.htm

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