Some people call “it” B.O.B., “Belly Over Belt.” Others call it “Muffin Top.” One thing is for sure — there’s nothing cute or fun about Toxic Belly Fat.
Toxic Belly Fat is a culprit in many of our lifestyle dis-eases including fatigue. It shows up in acid reflux, sleeping disorders including sleep apnea, migraine head-aches, diabetes, stroke and cancer. Do you, or does someone you love, have it?
How to identify Belly Fat Syndrome:
- 1. Measurements matter. Use a measuring tape to measure the belly in question … If you are a woman with a waistline (measured across the belly button) of more than 35 inches pay attention. If you are a man with a waistline of more than 40 inches – ditto.
- 2. Do you have one or more of these abnormalities: High blood sugar; High triglycerides; Low HDL; High LDL and/or high blood pressure?
- 3. You are at HIGH risk of Toxic Belly Fat Syndrome if you have two of more of these abnormalities and a super-sized belly.
Now what?
- Start making dietary, exercise and life-style changes. One place to look for help is in the Fatigue Be Gone! Jumpstart e-Guide. Click here to read a recent review from The Succulent Wife.
- Seek out a Belly Fat Specific Diet Plan. Three that I know of include: The Belly Off! Diet: Attack the Fat That Matters Most; Fit to Live: The 5-Point Plan to be Lean, Strong, and Fearless for Life
and The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet: Plus Dr. Tarnower’s Lifetime Keep-Slim Program
- Join in our Monday is Fruit and Veggie Day Celebration! Every week we give our bod’s a break and come together to cheer each other on, swap recipes and LOL. This one day practice helped me lose 7 lbs in the past 5 weeks AND I wasn’t even trying to lose weight … This also got my husband fired up and getting rid of his B.O.B. Thank goodness!
Psst. When you sign up for the Fatigue Be Gone Newsletter you will receive the “Fruit And Veggie Day” Recipe Collection. Special thanks to Ms. Kathy Browning of for making this possible!
Recipes include” Berry Banana Smoothie, Stuffed Medjool Dates, Orange Almond Salad, Healthy Frozen Bananas and much more! Click here to register and claim your copy!