Just Add D – Vitamin D, that is …

Energy Boosting & Healthy Body Building
Benefits of Vitamin D

The sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D, is positively associated with regulating weight, supporting stronger bones, preventing osteoporosis, eliminating depression and protecting us against cancers including breast cancer.

I read about it 3-4 months ago and added 1000 mg to my daily routine.

Next, I mailed the article to my mother. She is borderline diabetic and has been suffering from neuropathy in her. Guess what. She doesn’t anymore. Her results inspired me to give away a couple other bottles to friends who are diabetic and not into reading, researching and taking their health on.

Vitamin D 1000 IU by Now
I love Vitamin D for all the good it does and how-cheap-it-is … Click here to order a bottle for yourself, your mom and a friend in need.

I buy all my supplements at a great discount from eVits – saves me time and gasoline too. While you are at it, click here if you would like to know the rest of my supplement routine. (adrenal support etc.)

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Relax Max – 5 Minute Relaxation Tips

Eazy-Peezy Tips & Techniques you can put to use, today!

In my early twenties I shared a small, intense, 60-hour-a-week-boiler-room office with my best friend Marion. Our desks faced each other so it was easy for her to see when I reached maximum overload. In the midst of a grimace, another cup of java and a coffin nail reach Marion would give me a big smile and say, “Relax Max.”

I could have used that smile last week, but never mind … I’m a bigger, smarter girl now and I have a toolbox full of chill out techniques. (Had to develop this because stress is a major contributor to Adrenal Fatigue.)

Hmmmm. What shall I do before I make waffles? How about something QUICK!

5 Minute Relaxation Opportunities:

Stress Magnet: Shoulders
Shoulder lift, circles and rub-a-dub. Lift: Close your eyes lift your shoulders to your ears and take five slow breaths. Circles: This is almost like dancing in your chair! Roll your right shoulder forward and around five times – your left will have to follow. Rub-a-dub: You don’t have to wait for an appointment with your masseuse or body worker to help your shoulders and neck relax. Rub an ample supply of yummy smelling lotion between your hands and work it into your shoulders and neck. Feel any knots? Join the club! Gently rub them out (this make take a couple sessions, be patient!)

Stress Magnet: Hands
Rub-A-Dub: Nothing get more use and abuse than our hands! Get some more of that yummy lotion (I have mango lotion!) and work your way around the palm and fingers of one hand, then move onto the other. When you’re done give them a good, energizing shake! (If you do heavy keyboarding shake out your hands every hour and give them a couple rubs a day. Minutes a day can save your from the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome and its ultimate solution – surgery.)

Stress Magnet: Back
S-t-r-e-t-c-h. It’s easy. Sit in your chair with both feel flat on the floor. Place your left hand on your right knee. Twist gently as far as you can to the right. You want to be looking over your right shoulder. Hold for five breaths then release and return to facing front. Now put your right hand on your left knee and twist your body to the left. Ummmmm. Feels good doesn’t it?

Stress Magnet: Monkey Mind
You know that feeling … too much to think about piling up on even more to think, worry and stress about. I have a couple techniques for this dozy!

See it – Name it Exercise:
Pick a single room and walk around it naming everything you see out loud. “I see my favorite blue parrot lamp. I see my nightstand. I see my joy dog Albert on my bed.” Continue until you feel your mind relax. Focusing on what is tangible pushes out the intangibles (fear/worry/anxiety.)

Make a Note of It and Give Thanks Exercise:
Try writing a Thank You Note to someone AND be stressing out about something. Again, the monkey mind can’t do both at the same time. As you write and thank and remember an act of kindness the stress just melts away …. A fringe benefit to this may be a friendly phone call or card back!

Gratitude A-B-C List Exercise: This is along the lines of the Thank You Note. Write down the letters of the alphabet on a piece of paper or in your journal. Spend five minutes listing out everyone, every pet, every possession for which you are grateful. Stop after five minutes and return to repeat the process tomorrow. As your list grows, so does your peace of mind.

For more relaxing, energy-boosting ideas, pick one of these topics: Come To Your Senses; Best Time of The Day; Watch Your Thinking; Quietest Place On Earth; Re-energizing Power of the Pup & Purr; Music to Soothe The Beast and Health Benefits of Friendship.

For more information about Adrenal Fatigue and for the results of our “When Are You Most TiredPoll, click here.

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The Stress Diet

Psst. If you just got my newsletter on the topic of “How To” Boost Energy through Food Combining just scroll down to the next post. This info was just sent in by my friend Marla and is too much fun not to share today!

The Stress Diet

This is a specially formulated diet designed to help WOMEN cope with the stress that builds during the day

1 Grapefruit
1 slice wholemeal toast
1 cup skimmed milk

1 small portion lean, steamed chicken with a cup of spinach
1 cup herbal tea
1 biscuit

AFTERNOON TEA The rest of the biscuits from the packet 1 tub of Gino Ginelli ice cream with chocolate topping DINNER 4 bottles of wine (red or white) 2 loaves garlic bread 1 family size Supreme pizza 3 chocolate bars LATE NIGHT SNACK 1 whole cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)

‘stressed’ spelled backwards is ‘desserts’

Finally, here’s some advice for you:

Dr. Neil proclaimed the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started ……. So I looked around my house to see things I’d started and hadn’t finished; and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonay , a bole of Baileys, a butle of Kehuha, a pockage of biscuits , the mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins, the res of the Chesescke, some saltins an a bax a cholatesYu haf no idr who gud I fel.

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Re-Energize Yourself with the Power of Food Combining

Easy as 1-2-3: “How to” mix and match foods to boost your energy.

Start tonight!

For years I’ve flirted with the concept of food combining. It always seemed like a “good” idea but the books and explanations I found were always very technical, tedious and confusing. Not so with The Food Combining/Blood Type Diet Solution

For your ease and enjoyment, here is my
1-2-3 bottom-line “how to” and why of food combining. It is so simply you can start tonight!

Step 1. Tonight eat a meal that includes:

A single protein source + vegetables

Example: Meat/chicken/tofu/fish + steamed broccoli and kale. Add a salad with any veggies you want. Wait 20 minutes, then have a piece of fruit.

Note: Just use salt/pepper for seasonings OR seasonings that DO NOT include MSG. MSG has many names. Click here for a list you can print out and keep handy.

* * *

Step 2
. Do NOT include a starch with your dinner. Wait 20 Minutes on Fruit.

Starch = potatoes, rice, pasta, frozen peas, squash

* * *

Step 3. Notice how you feel in the morning and repeat for the next dinner.

* * *

Why? According to The Food Combining —-, when we combine foods that don’t go well together we stress out our digestion.Then, instead of resting at night our body is busy, busy, busy digesting and breaking down these foods.

Symptoms of poor food combining include: fatigue * insomnia * acid reflux * head aches * depression * weight gain and/or inability to loose weight.

My turn! I suggest you start tweaking how you eat with just one meal, dinner. Why? This will give you an immediate energy boost in the morning. It is also one of the easiest for me to manage. Finally, when a small change works I get inspired to take on more. If I take on too much I am also inspired — to put-it-all-down!

Your turn! Try this for yourself. Give it a fair test – one week to see how you feel. Even Mikey, my man, who was unhappy about giving up that dinner potato is a fan. His Acid Reflux has calmed down, he’s lost a bunch of weight and feels better. Yippee!

I also recommend buying the book, The Food Combining/Blood Type Diet Solution

by Dina Khader. It is very well put together, easy to follow – even has pictures!

For more information about The Blood Type Diet, click here.

For information on my daily adrenal etc. supplement boosting routine, click here, and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

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Fun, Fun, FUN!

I am just back from having fun, fun, fun with my best friend from high school. Spent the week getting up at noon and going to bed 2:00 a.m. ish. We ate delicious food, had manicures, shopped till we dropped, took on one home improvement project, went on beautiful spring walks with her dogs, caught up on giggles, news, views and belly laughs!

There is nothing like being with someone who has loved you for years and years. Coleen and I go back to Junior High! She was a reserved young miss then. I practically had to stick her pigtails in ink to get her to talk to me!

Why am I telling you all of this?

Friendship, laughter and FUN pumps up those tired adrenal glands and plumps out those feel-good hormones like nothin‘ else.

If you are on this page, consider this your call to action! Take time today to make plans to schedule in a hefty dose of friendship, laughter and FUN this weekend.

Then, tell me all about it!!!!


I have a couple jewels to share with you from my time chez Coleen. I am ordering all of them today!

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