What’s the rush? NO – Don’t Rush – STOP.


What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important
– President Eisenhower

Our politicians are in a hurry to take over our excellent health care. Instead of talking to us – gathering our input – they are pushing fast to ram through their version of “care.” Why? Follow the money … they just can’t get their hands on it fast enough.

The thought of having officious idiots – the kind that run my Home-owner’s Association – deciding my care makes me want to puke.

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Monday is Fruit and Veggie Day! a.k.a. Alkalizing Day

Last week I announced Fruit and Veggie Only Day and wondered who would join me. I can’t believe it. The only person who said “Yes” is my husband, the original “Mikey” and a devout carnivore. I love it!

This morning we started our day with his and her breakfast fruit smoothies.

His … 1 cup Protein Powder + 1 TSP “Greens” + Mango Juice + POMS Pomegranate Blueberry Juice + Fresh Strawberries and lots of ice.

Hers … 2 Dried Figs soaked in distilled water for one hour plus the water they soaked in + 1 cup frozen pineapple + 10 fresh strawberries + more distilled water and a little ice.

Lunch for him is a big bag of carrots and a sliced Red Delicious Apple. (It will take more time to work him into the vegetable juice side of this day.)

Lunch for me is a fresh batch of veggie juice — Kale + Cucumbers + Parsley + Carrots + 1 TSP “Greens” + Beet Greens and a glass of distilled water. (See supplies below.)

Why juice fast?

1. Raw fruits and vegetables alkalize the body. The more alkaline we are the healthier we are, the better we feel and the younger we look – bottom line. (You can also feel free to munch, crunch & drink juices. All levels of participation are welcome!)

2. It is a day off of cooking meals and doing dishes! What will you do with all your free time?

3. Why juice fast on Mondays? You can start the week off feeling lighter and more energized AND if you went to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday you will be jam-crammed with fresh fruits and veggies crying out to be eaten at their peak!

Here’s what you need to join in later today. Your 24 hours can start anytime, or use this to be prepared for next week.

Juice Fasting Day Supplies: Gallon of Distilled Water + Whole Almonds + Magma Plus + Blender + (Juicer * see below)
Then the fruits & veggies: Dried figs, your favorite fruits in season (strawberries, peaches, grapes, cherries …) plus carrots, kale, a head of lettuce and other favorite greens (beet greens, spinach, collards, arugula, Belgian endive, butterhead lettuce, chicory, dandelion greens, mustard and turnip greens …)

* If you don’t have a juicer, check out Champion Juicers here: http://www.championjuicer.com/ If you can’t afford one simply pick up a fresh carton of carrot juice and a greens juice at your grocery store. (Check the store date stamp to be sure it is fresh.)

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Alkalize or Die & The Power of Nature Foods

Most of the degenerative diseases we call “old-age diseases,” like memory loss, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes and hypertension, are actually lifestyle diseases caused by acidosis, an overall poor diet (especially a lack of leafy green vegetables), improper digestion, and too much stress. -Susan Smith-Jones, author, The Healing Power of NatureFoods

Think about it this way … Too much acidity in the body is like having too little oil in your car. It just grinds to a halt one lazy Sunday afternoon. There you are – stuck. The body does the same thing. It starts creaking to a stop along the byways of life and you find yourself in some kind of discomfort. (Fatigue, weakness, acid reflux, arthritis, diabetes …)
– Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, author, Alkalize or Die

How do you Alkalize and eliminate acid? The same way you eat any elephant – one bite, one sip, one adjustment at a time.

1-2-3 Alkalizing Steps to feeling GREAT!

1. Aim to make every meal 50/50. 50% raw fruits and veggies (alkaline) and 50% cooked and other than raw food (mostly acid.)

2. Join us on Mondays for our Juice Fasting Day. (Alkalizing Day)

3. Completely eliminate sodas. It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. cola or soda!

Would you like an easy way to make a change for the better? Join us – Join in on our Juice Fasting Day every Monday! Check in to share recipes, encouragement and fellowship. For weekly re-energizing tips, tools & techniques, click here to subscribe to the Fatigue Be Gone NEWS.

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Energy Boost Recipe – Sautéed Spinach (or Kale) Delight

This recipe has three delightful qualities. One is how quickly it can be prepared – under five minutes! Two is how energizing and healthful it is and three is how umm, umm, ahhh delicious it tastes – in all its variations.

Ingredients: 3 handfuls of ready-to-go baby spinach, olive oil, * 1 pressed then finely chopped garlic clove, handful of torn parsley, pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Simply sauté everything together until the spinach wilts slightly. Eat pronto! (Serves one)

Variations: Substitute kale for spinach. Sprinkle in pine nuts or walnuts, dried cranberries, dried cherries, sun-dried tomatoes … recommended resource is healthy additions is Eat Right For Your Type.

* Crush garlic using your palm or kitchen knife. Let sit for fifteen minutes before chopping and sautéing.

Recipe adapted from article, Spinach Knocks Out Cancer and Boosts Brain Power, written by Barbara Minton.

——————– More Energy Boosting, Adrenal Fatigue Busting Recipes

Sparkling Cinnamon, Ginger Water. Ahhhhhh.

Pretty delicious … (And easy)

Breakfast Energy Boost

Energy Boost Recipe — Mom’s Meatloaf

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Insomnia & Fatigue Revisited.

Just got in my copy of Prevention (1-year) Magazine which included some excellent tips on how to overcome insomnia in an article written by Camille Noe Pagan. I am always researching this topic as insomnia is a major contributor to fatigue.

Here goes …

1. Turn all of it off at least one hour before bed. T.V., telephones, blackberries, strawberries, pagers, computers … (click here for tips on how to also turn off arguments, anxieties and stress or here for a great place to vent, let go and move on!)

2. Take a warm shower or bath. Apparently your body temperature goes down after you get out and this drop makes you feel sleepy. Water also washes away the energy, arguments, excitements and attachments accumulated in the day which is why I always bathe at night.

3. Meditate or pray for 10 minutes. Start this a minute at a time. Another opportunity is a 20 minute group visualization/meditation with NightlyHealing.com

4. After 6 p.m. just have one or two glasses of water and do 10 to 20 Kegel Exercises a day. If you are getting up more than a couple times a night you will love how well this duo works!

5. Try a small dose of melatonin. .5 mg 15 minutes before bed. More melatonin isn’t better, in fact and can cause nightmares and depression.

6. Sleep Apnea? Symptoms include poor sleep, snoring and being overweight. Make an appointment to talk to your doc and see if you have this problem. While you wait to get in work at losing some pounds and getting more exercise.

Someone I know and love was recently told he was “obese” and had to lose 50 lbs OR ELSE (continue to suffer from acid reflux, headaches etc.)

He lost the weight and those two conditions have tremendously improved. A couple “bonuses” are less snoring and his sleep apnea has diminished. Who would have thunk?!

7. Sleep on your side. Sleeping on your side vs your back opens up airways so you’ll breathe easier, snore less and wake up feeling more refreshed.

8. Keep pets off your bed! This is tough for me! I usually have a pup and a cat or two snuggling around me and my man. I have to admit they do wake me up a couple times a night and making space for them often leaves me feeling cramped. So …. even though I don’t like the idea of pet free sleeping I may give this a try …

Below are past posts on the topic of fatigue and insomnia. If you have any tips please add them via the “Comments” feature. You never know who will benefit from what you have to share. Thanks! Viveca

* Insomnia & Fatigue. More Lights Out Tips.
* Insomnia. If you can’t beat it LOL at it!
(Psst. The more you fight it the worse it gets.)
* Magnesium & Insomnia & Fatigue. Duh. What was I thinking?
* Nine Tips to Help Moms Overcome Fatigue
* National Sleep Foundation Facts & Stats
Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart! e-Guide provides useful forms & journals to help you keep track of vital health information. Simply fill out the forms and provide to your doctor. Discover simple home medical tests that can save both time and money. A “must-have” for anyone who is tired of being tired. Order your copy today at: http://www.fatiguebegone.com/fbg_guide_information.htm.
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