Didn’t want to (but I did.)

Didn’t want to eat breakfast today and that is nothing new. One of the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue is the lack of that a.m. breakfast appetite. If I had my way I’d just have that cup of coffee – or two, with a sweet goodie. But wait – I did have “my way” with my diet for years and guess what … I ended up being so tired all the time that I had to make fatigue recovery a study to get my life back!

So this morning I reminded myself of this factoid. As those memories of caffeine and sugar highs followed by the lowest of lows came back I cooked up a bowl of oatmeal with a side of walnuts.

You know that saying “A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.” The tired woman version of that goes like this — “A moment on the lips, then feel your energy dip.”

Cheers! Viveca

If you would like more information about how to eat right and feel GREAT, please check out a couple of my energy foods recipes. Click here for the Oatmeal Energize and here for the Black Beans energy foods recipe.

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Energy Foods Recipe! Black Bean Soup makes you feel better – FAST.

Feel better and have more energy - FAST!

Over the years I’ve developed a couple “foundation” energy foods recipes. They’re called that because 1) I can eat them anytime or season and they will increase my energy and help me feel better – immediately. 2) The recipes are super easy to make and use just about anything from your panty or fridge and 3) They are extremely economical and can be eaten, in a variety of ways, all week long if need be. And sometimes they need to be!

BTW – Energy foods are economical. I’ve cut my food bill in half since I stopped buying pre-packed, sugar and preservative laden, cereals, crackers, breads and other “fast-food” prepared meals and fancy sauces. I’ve also lost ten pounds and my husband dropped forty pounds! Anyway … back to my easy Black Bean Soup recipe!

Black Bean Soup ala FatigueBeGone.com

Pantry Ingredients:
1 Can Black Beans
1 Can Pinto Bean
1 Can of Lentils
Baby Portabella Mushrooms (I buy these “dry” – great time saver!)   
Seaweed (ditto above)
Italian Seasoning. (Emeril’s Italian – preservative Free)
Garlic Salt
Sea Salt/Kelp Mix * (I mix Sea Salt & Kelp 50/50 and keep a bowl of it handy by the stove.)
1 Can of Spinach
1 Can of Green Beans
1 Can of Lentils
Dry Sherry
Refrigerator or Freezer Ingredients:
Chopped Garlic

Fresh Ingredients:
Potatoes Baked with Skins or Sweet Potatoes Skinned
Red Onion
Daikon (Specialty Grocer if you can)
Organic Chicken, Sausages, Turkey or Meat

Mestemacher Bread (Sugar and Preservative-free bread)

Black Bean Soup Directions

Step 1:  You will want to use a large sauce pan that has a tight fitting lid. This is a one-pot meal!

Sauté the below together for two to three minutes, or until the onion is clear.

2 Stalks Celery Chopped
4 Cloves Garlic Minced
½ Red Onion
Let dry mushrooms “revive” by soaking in a bowl or glass of water. Just a few minutes will do.
(Of course, you can always use fresh mushrooms.)

Step 2: Add to the pot and sauté until light brown
5 Baby Portabella Mushrooms chopped

Step 3:  Add to the pot, raise to a boil then lower to a simmer for 90 minutes.

2 to 3 carrots chopped into small/medium size pieces
1 Can of Black Beans with the water from the can
1 Can of Pinto Beans with the water from the can
2 Rounded TBSPs of Dry Seaweed
2 TBSP Dry Sherry

Step 4:  Add final spicing and allow to simmer for 30 more minutes

2 TPSP Italian Seasoning. (Emeril’s)
½ tsp Garlic Salt
1 tsp Sea Salt/Kelp Mix * (see below)
1 tsp. Tumeric

Step 5:  Serve it while it’s hot!

There are many serving options which is why I call this is an energy boost “foundation” recipe!

* Pour in bowl and eat “as it” with a slice of toasted Machmeiker bread and a serving of Goat Cheese
* Have a small bowl with a grilled gourmet cheese sandwich. (M bread plus Goat Cheese and basil)
* Pour it over a baked potato and sprinkle the top with parsley
* Pour it on top of a bowl of brown rice
* Add in a couple sausages or chicken on or off the bone
* Have it as a “starter,” just a small bowl, for any meal.
* Add in extra fresh or canned veggies according to your own personal preference. For example, I love spinach and add LOTS of spinach into mine. My husband hates spinach so I leave his alone!

The final ingredient to any delicious meal is a loved one. If you are not living with a companion, please make this an occasion to invite a girlfriend or guy friend to break bread with you!  Or, take it to them. Make it an hour and a half visit – even someone suffering from fatigue would enjoy that. Yum.

For more information about how to boost your energy please read this recent article: How to Boost Energy Naturally  You can feel better faster with these energy foods, drinks and supplements.

To purchase recommended food and condiments supplies referenced in this post, please visit our Energy Foods Store which is safely and securely powered by Amazon.com.

Finally, are you registered to receive our boost energy and feel better – FAST newsletter? Click here to review a past issue on the re-energizing power of friendship. This is published bi-monthly and features get rid of fatigue tips, tools, techniques & recipes!

Feel better and have more energy – FAST!
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Energy Boosting Recipes – Easy Fish & Chicken Meals

Energy Food – All natural energy boosting recipes to enjoy for dinner then take to the office with you for lunch!

* Fish –  Liberally sprinkle “Emerald Steak Seasoning” and dried “Dill” onto Tilapia Fish Filets. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper, squeeze a little lemon juice and Continue reading

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Feeling tired and the Skipped Meal Syndrome

Feeling tired and skipping meals go together. According to a study by NPD, the average person skips approximately one breakfast meal a week and the thirty-five to forty-nine age group is leading the pack. Another survey commissioned by Smoothie King reported that 43% of Americans view lunch as the least important meal to overall health and that 58% skip it if they feel too busy to break.

Feeling Tired Today?

Feeling Tired Today?

No wonder feeling tired is the #1 health complaint among Americans! Missed meals and poor eating habits top the list of reasons why fatigues from borderline anemia to adrenal fatigue are on the rise. Not to mention their tag along buddies: obesity, headaches, anxiety …

According to Sport and Lifestyle Nutritionist Molly Kimball, LDN, RD “Short-term effects like mood swings, headaches, mental and physical fatigue, and loss of concentration should be enough to convince anyone from skipping meals. There are also serious long-term effects that can stem from lack of proper nutrition, including obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease.”

What do Americans grab for on-the-go meals? It tends to be sweet and starchy. The “Top Ten  Carried Breakfast Foods” are: Fruit, Breakfast/Snack Bars, Cookies/Brownies,  Yogurt, Bagels, RTE Cereal, Sandwiches, Toaster Pastries, Donuts and Muffins.

Tired people crave sweets like alcoholics crave alcohol. The high sugar food fix is followed by a low energy dip which drives the next fix and dip and fix and … You get the picture. Is this roller coaster your “normal” day?

Dr. James Wilson, a leader in adrenal fatigue research, has a plan to lead us off of  this exhausting roller-coaster ride. It includes small, frequent meals and snacks comprised of a fat, a protein and a starchy unrefined carbohydrates.  He also calls for a ban on caffeine and sugar oriented foods, including fruit and fruit juices, especially for breakfast. The above food combining technique yields body and mind fuel for hours.

When and how often you eat is almost as important as what you eat. Our bodies wake up in a fasting condition and should be refueled as soon as possible and decidedly before ten a.m. One symptom of people suffering from adrenal fatigue is a lack, even a distaste for a morning meal. If this is your case, “fake it till you make it.”

It only takes twenty-some days to form a new habit. The healthy breakfast habit will keep you energized, looking young and feeling great for a lifetime. Isn’t this a small price to pay for getting up a little bit earlier to sit down and enjoy a cup of the Fatigue Be Gone Oatmeal Adrenal Gland Boost with a cup of adrenal rejuvenating Licorice Tea?  Try it before you answer that question!

To keep your feel-good momentum going, follow breakfast, every two to three hours, with another whole food meal or snack, right up to bedtime. Because fatigue often triggers insomnia (not fair!) it is a good idea to eat a small bowl of a whole grain with a few almonds or walnuts and milk, whole, almond or rice, about a half an hour before going to bed.

Fatigue can be a friend or a foe. Befriend it. Use it to remind yourself not to skip meals, reach for a sugar fix or push through another sixty-hour work week without smelling a dozen roses. Our body talk to us all the time and fatigue is its built in alarm system. If your alarm is going off, take the time NOW to review, renew and revitalize. You, and it, will be happy you did.

(c) Viveca Stone-Berry, author, The Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart e-Guide. http://www.FatigueBeGone.com

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Feeling Tired? Try these easy and delicious energy-boosting recipes.

An all-natural way to

Adrenal Fatigue Recipes

Adrenal Fatigue Recipes

stop feeling so tired is to UP the amount and frequency of the following adrenal-boosting super foods: Sea salt, Kelp, Green and ripe black olives, Dulse, Hot red peppers, New Zealand Spinach, Swiss chard, Beet greens, Celery (leaves and root), and Zucchini. Speaking of frequency, you also want to be eating every two to three hours. No complaints here!

Whenever I feel tired, and first thing in the morning, I drink an 8oz glass of water with a quarter tsp. of Sea Salt.  If you crave salt this is an excellent addition for your diet too. (People with adrenal fatigue typically suffer from low blood pressure and sodium loss within the cells*.) Source:  Dr. James Wilson, author, Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century Syndrome

Stop feeling tired. Start with breakfast.
An adrenal fatigue symptom is the lack of an a.m. appetite. As part of recovery you MUST feed your adrenal glands the “good” stuff and do so before 10:00 a.m. May I recommend the Oatmeal Energy Boost?!

What about lunch? How about … The Adrenal Fatigue Buster Soup!
or the Tuna Fish Plus Anti-Oxidants — Yum!

Adrenal gland recovery dinners include:
* Sautéed Spinach or Kale Delight

* Shrimp & Papaya & Mango & Chicken, Oh my…
and the … Pretty Delicious Stir-Fry

All Day Long … sips and snacks:

* Sips:  Sparkling Cinnamon, Ginger Water. Ahhhhhh.
and Click Here Licorice Tea. Licorice is extremely beneficial for rejuvenating your adrenal glands. I love it hot or on ice.
(Psst. Stay off of coffee and other sugar or caffeine based drinks. These will only continue your energy boost, crash and burn syndrome.)

* Snacks: Walnuts, fresh peanuts in shells, hard boiled eggs and small amounts of dried fruit. Crunch on lots of carrots! Did you know that crunching on hard objects, like carrots, naturally releases tension from the jaw which most of us need!

Extra, extra!
Homemade Taco Seasoning

* Twenty of the World’s Healthiest Foods


Psst. Do you have an adrenal gland healing recipe to share with us? Please e-mail it to: Viveca@FatigueBeGone.com
We’ll be sure to add a mention and link back to your site. Thanks!


Learn how to eliminate fatigue and stop feeling so tired – on a weekly basis with the Fatigue Be Gone newsletter! Register and receive tips, tricks and tools to help you get your groove back. Click here to subscribe and receive our exceptionally popular reports including: “Why Am I So Tired?” and “Take Your Pulse” – a secret re-energizing shortcut.

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