Junk Mail Fatigue. Mail me something personal, something fun – please!

Instead of junk mail I’d like to celebrate “National Card and Letter Writing Month” with some good news, please. I’d like a card from someone who knows and loves me. Or a note from someone who would like to know and love me. Heck, I’d settle for any piece of mail that does not threaten or guilt me into …

* completing a survey.

* making a donation.

* calling or writing to my congresspersons or political party.

* eating or drinking something I don’t want at some place I don’t want to go.

* making a payment Continue reading

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Energy-boosting Product Review: Dr. Andrew Weil’s Self-Healing with sound & music

When I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer last year I scurried about to find new tools for my self-help toolbox. Yes I needed more energy. The stress of the “adventure,” plus the radiation treatment, was exhausting. But I was also looking for somethingS to change my insides – my mental, emotional, spiritual and molecular makeup.

Dr. Andrew Weil & Kimba Arem’s self-help Cd offered to “revitalize your body & mind with proven sound healing tools.” Right on.

Self-Healing with sound & music is a two-disc package. Disc One explains the science behind the sounds. Chapters include: “How sound affects our physical and emotional health,” “The Principle of Entrainment*,” “Vocalizing Vowel Sounds for Self-Healing” and “Interacting with the Chakras through Sound.” Fascinating.

Disc Two is the sound and music – about one hour of bliss. The track names are appropriate: “Water Way,” “Spinal Ebb,” “Peace Journey,” “Angels of the Deep,” etc. This disc is now a part of my nightly Continue reading

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8 Favorite Energy Boosting & Healing Resources

clipart_redaward1Here are 8 of my favorite energy boosting & healing resources. Which should you try today? Use your intuition and pick whichever ONE is calling your name or catching your eye. I say ONE because a characteristic of tired women and men is that we are constantly doing too much and often second guessing ourselves instead of going with out “gut.”

Whichever ONE you pick is the right item – right action for you today. Enjoy it and pass this page on to a harried girl or guy friend!

Which ONE? Whoever comes to mind first.

1. What is – Who is B.O.B? (And how to get rid it it – him?)

2. Fatigue & Fear — Yikes. How to breakthrough and live fearlessly

3. ARGG & Ahhhhh with Magma Plus Greens

4. Life Keeps Getting Better with Terry Hernon MacDonald

5. Re-Energize Yourself with the Power of Food Combining

6. 3 Free Ways to De-Stress Today!

7. Relax and Re-Energize with a little purring and petting

8. Fatigue Speedbump … Energy Vampire … What hit me?

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It’s Fruit & Veggie Day!

Join us for Fruit & Veggie Day!

Join us for Fruit & Veggie Day!

I really look forward to Mondays these days. It feels GREAT to be taking good care of myself and filling up on the “good stuff.” (Do you know that country song?!) It is also a treat to have a day off from cooking, prepping and cleaning up. I figure this activity gives me at least two hours of FREE time – me time while re-energizing, healing and thrilling my body. What a GREAT way to start the week!

Adding into the practice today … I am taking the day off from T.V. and radio.

Was just reading that “TV viewers are 47 percent less likely to walk 10,000 steps than nonwatchers. And, scientists now know that for every hour of TV you watch, you reduce the number of your steps by 144.” Source: Fit to Live: The 5-Point Plan to be Lean, Strong, and Fearless for Life

With an extra two hours in my day I think I can fit in a little extra walking … hmmm. What else?

What about you?


More more information on how to participate in Fruit and Juice Day, click here and to find out how to get re-energized on a regular basis, subscribe to the Fatigue Be Gone! newsletter! Receive weekly tips, tricks and tools to help you get your groove back. Subscribers also receive free reports, including the exceptionally popular “Why Am I So Tired?” Subscribe today at: http://www.fatiguebegone.com/newsletter.htm

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