Fatigue & Dehydration is easy to spot – just look at your pee!

I’m hungry, tired and just peed bright yellow.
What does that mean?
Dehydration. All of them are symptoms of dehydration.
So, the next time you are hungry – drink a glass of water, wait 20 minutes and then eat something – if you are still hungry.
And, the next time you are tired – drink a big glass of water, wait 20 minutes and then – if you are still tired, take a 15 minute nap. Close the door, hang a “Do Not Disturb” Sign and put your head on the desk. (Think grammar school “rest periods!”) If they won’t leave you alone, go sit in your car or hide in a friend’s office!
Finally, the next time you pee bright yellow instead of clear or very light yellow, know that you are dehydrated and drink a big glass of water. Maybe drink two. Coffee, which I love, dehydrates. I think I’m seeing the results of my cup a day treat. That’s o.k. I just need to compensate.
Now … going to go take that 15 minute nap. Then I am going to eat something delicious. Self-care. I love it!

Did you know that everything you allow to cross your lips can either make you feel better or worse? Are you attempting to fuel your body with energy-zapping foods such as sugar, caffeine or energy drinks? Simple dietary changes can result in amazing energy gains. Discover nutrition and dietary supplementation secrets by subscribing to the Fatigue Be Gone Newsletter. Sign up for your free copy today at: http://www.fatiguebegone.com/newsletter.htm
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3 Free Ways to De-Stress Today!

I’ve come across some super doper stress-busting opportunities this morning. (Oh and I am still continuing my juice fast from yesterday and bubbling with energy!)

Stretching: I am on my third day of my 10-minute stretch routine. Even when I was a kid I wasn’t all that flexible so add a whole bunch of years and it can get ugggg-ly. Yesterday my acupressurist suggested I stretch whenever I see one of my animals stretching. I love that idea! I have three cats, two dogs and a bird so this is going to be one flexible day!

Dump It: A.k.a. The Abraham Hicks Placement Process
I just found a blog called MyFavoriteSelfHelpStuff.com and I am smitten. I can tell Elisabeth is a cool stuff hound and a practical, bottom-line, “how to” healer. Love it. As soon as I am done with this post I am doing the “Abraham Hicks Placement Process” she recommended. (Psst. I also signed up to receive her “Free Stress Tips Report.”)

Breathe. Yes, I am into the basics today. I did the “Follow Your Breath” Exercise with Andrew Weil this morning. I will do this throughout the day for a minute here and a minute there … all those minutes add up.

How to: With your eyes open, closed or half-closed, just breathe. Don’t try to affect your breathing – don’t change one thing – just breathe in and breathe out. Put all you focus on your breath – how and where you feel it coming in and going out, when you feel it stop and begin. Breathe out any thoughts – worries or brilliant ideas – that try to force themselves into your focus. Relax, breathe and notice your breath for as long or as short as you wish. (Psst. You can practice this and many other breathing techniques with Dr. Weil. I highly recommend his CD Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing (The Self Healing Series)


Get re-energized on a regular basis with the Fatigue Be Gone Newsletter. Receive tips, tricks and tools to help you de-stress, eat for vim, talk to your doc and much more. Subscribers receive free reports including our exceptionally popular “Why Am I So Tired” and “Take Your Pulse” – a secret re-energizing shortcut. Subscribe TODAY at: http://www.fatiguebegone.com/newsletter.htm

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ARGG & Ahhhhh with Magma Plus Greens

The ARGG part of this post has to do with the price I paid and the time I wasted to get my Magma Plus.

I shop for my supplements 99.9% of the time through eVits. Whenever I buy elsewhere I pay more. This week I bought Green FoodsMagma Plus” for $20.57. I could-have-paid $17.88 AND not wasted time in traffic AND waiting to be checked out.

Now for the ahhhhh part that goes with my wand!

I am diligently working to UP my alkaline-forming fruits and veggies. Why? Fatigue is a major symptom associated with an overly acidic diet and I want to feel my best. I also want my stressed out, carnivore husband to feel his best! Stress makes our bodies more acidic also.

Anyhuuu – “The” goal is to consume 80% alkaline-forming fruits & veggies and 20% acid-forming foods. As you can imagine, the acid forming foods tend to be delicious (fudge, breads, meats, dairy) and the alkaline selections, splashed with olive oil, lemon and a dash of salt, tend to “grow on you.”

I’ve been struggling.

Then a health mentor told me about an easy way to up the good stuff called … Magma Plus. SHIZam! One heaping tablespoon and I am almost at my goal. It also gives me a healthy buzzzzz. This helps me come in around 60 (alkaline) and 40 (acid) in my diet which is a huge improvement.

Get a jar for yourself. Magma Plus by Green Foods

Is now a good time to stock up on any other energy-boosting products? Shipping is free for orders under 5lbs or more than $70. I hit both easily – you can too. Here is my daily supplement list.
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Fatigue Cause – Poor Digestion. EB Technique – Juice Fasting!

It’s the simple things in life, like food, that can be so exhausting.

One of my favorite energy boost techniques is juice fasting. I would love some company …. read on … Post via the “Comments” if you will join me next Monday for a “Juice Only Day.

Energy Boost Technique:
Juice Fasting

My college mentor on this subject is Susan Smith Jones. Susan is a sparkling live wire who healed herself from a devastating car accident and became a renowned expert on the topic of health and nutrition.

Long story short – Susan inspired me to take a number of short and lengthy juice fasts when I was a student at UCLA. The point of a “juice only day” is to give our bodies a break and an opportunity to heal.

Everyday our bodies are so0000 busy digesting heavy foods, foods that combine poorly, artificial crude … We shovel down food when we’re angry and upset. We shovel down sweets to celebrate or comfort. Most of us can’t remember what we ate yesterday because our mouths were on auto-feed.

Sound familiar?

You can change all that one day at a time. According to Dr. Stephen Blauer, author, The Juicing Book, “By adding fresh juices to a balanced food regimen, you will help accelerate and enhance the process of restoring nutrients to chemically starved tissues. It is on these tissues that disease and illness thrive. In terms of prevention, therefore, the importance of juices cannot be overstated.”

Wow. I’m thinking about some of the stuff I ate over this past holiday and my own chemically starved tissues. Think I’ll break here and go juice up some carrots, kale and parsley.

I hope you’ll join me on Monday! Later in the week I’ll post a few juicing recipes to help you get ready. If you need a juicer, click here for an excellent buy through Amazon

BFN! Viveca
P.S. You can start hunting now for little, fun, umbrellas!
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Just Add D – Vitamin D, that is …

Energy Boosting & Healthy Body Building
Benefits of Vitamin D

The sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D, is positively associated with regulating weight, supporting stronger bones, preventing osteoporosis, eliminating depression and protecting us against cancers including breast cancer.

I read about it 3-4 months ago and added 1000 mg to my daily routine.

Next, I mailed the article to my mother. She is borderline diabetic and has been suffering from neuropathy in her. Guess what. She doesn’t anymore. Her results inspired me to give away a couple other bottles to friends who are diabetic and not into reading, researching and taking their health on.

Vitamin D 1000 IU by Now
I love Vitamin D for all the good it does and how-cheap-it-is … Click here to order a bottle for yourself, your mom and a friend in need.

I buy all my supplements at a great discount from eVits – saves me time and gasoline too. While you are at it, click here if you would like to know the rest of my supplement routine. (adrenal support etc.)

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