Breathe as if your life depended on it. It does.

Breathing in I calm. Breathing out I smile.
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Did you know you can boost your energy and your mood anywhere, anytime – for free? All you need to do is learn how to breathe properly.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil if we can learn to deepen, slow, quiet and regulate the quality of our breath we can do just about anything from ending insomnia, improving digestion and circulation, boosting energy, eliminating anxiety and improving our overall health.

One technique taught by Dr. Weil is called “Stimulating Breath.” This is also known as “Bellows Breath” in Pranayama. Its purpose is to raise the energy of your nervous system and increase alertness.

Stimulating Breath/Bellows Breath “How to”:

Step 1: Get comfortable. Sit with your back supported and as straight as possible, your feet flat on the floor and your hands lying relaxed in your lap. You can keep your eyes open, closed or partially open – as you wish.

Step 2: Position your tongue. Lightly touch the tip of your tongue to the backs of your upper front teeth. Now slide your tongue a smidge, up to the ridge of tissue between the teeth and the pallet. Keep it there and close your mouth. In this exercise you will be breathing rapidly in and out of your nose.

Step 3: Breath in and out of your nose as quickly as possible. Do this for up to and not longer than 15 seconds. (Imagine you are trying to light a fire and are pumping a bellows, in and out, as quickly as possible.)

Step 4: STOP and notice and note how you feel

Bellows Breathing is an aerobic workout! You will feel it in your chest, ribs and abdomen. You will also feel a glow of warmth and energy throughout your body. It is a great way to start your day and to revive yourself in the afternoon after lunch.

Caution: Do this exercise in a safe, seated and comfortable position. Some people, which could include you, will feel light headed, dizzy and faint.

My Recommendation: Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing (The Self Healing Series) by Dr. Andrew Weil 2 CD Set features numerous healthy breathing techniques including: Follow Your Breath, Bellows Breathing, Active Imagination and much more. The CD is worth buying. This doc is an excellent coach who leads and participates in all the exercises. Also includes lecture parts that are fascinating.


An Ancient Chinese Proverb tells us, “If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.” If you are tired of feeling tired all the time, perhaps it’s time for a new direction. The Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart e-Guide provides re-energizing solutions through simple lifestyle changes. Abundant health awaits you at

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Start your journey tonight with

Several months ago I wrote that “Fatigue is a dis-ease of the spirit.”

I don’t recall if I shared this “ah ha” with you. It has been nibbling at me ever since.

A recent health crisis/opportunity pushed me to re-connect with friends and healers. Amazing discoveries and gifts of spirit have been popping up ever since! I would like to share one of them with you today. This service provides nightly, healing visualizations based on the assumption “We all have the innate ability to heal ourselves. The power of the mind is infinite. The power of desire is miraculous.”

I took my first healing journey with them last night. It was luscious! Twenty minutes flew by and today I am settling in around the insights gained. I’ll be back there tonight for round two …

Psst. This is a FREE service. What a gift! Enjoy.

Get re-energized on a regular basis with the Fatigue Be Gone newsletter! Receive tips, tricks and tools to help you get your groove back. Subscribers also receive free reports, including our exceptionally popular “Why Am I So Tired?” and “Take Your Pulse” – a secret re-energizing shortcut. Subscribe TODAY at

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H.O.T.S Test – What Are YOU?!

I have referred an number of friends to this test recently … now it is your turn to participate!
HOTS” is an acronym for four dominant personality types, Hare, Owl, Turtle and Squirrel. Why should a tired woman care about this?
It is fatiguing for the body to involved in activities that don’t “fit” the spirit. That’s the simplest way I can put it.

For example, I am a pure “Hare.” Hare’s bubble with ideas and enthusiasm. I love to start things, brainstorm things and promote things. I am not a great “finisher” of things, nor will I necessarily pick the best things to do. I definitely cannot foresee problems. Ooops.

What exhausts a Hare? Projects that are endless and heavy on admin. Trying to do too much like the squirrel, owl and turtle side of affairs. Sharing my fabulous ideas with Turtles who can’t help but shoot them down and hurt my feelings!

My husband is a hybrid, Squirrel/Owl. He is excellent at seeing the big picture, picking the best idea and following through. He also does not see problems. Ooooops.

Knowing this information has saved us a lot of worry and hassle. We KNOW we need to consult with our doctors, lawyers and friends who are experts before we “pull the trigger!” (Sometimes we forget and pay the price. Yikes.)

Take a moment to find your type. I also suggest you have you family and business partners take the test. It is fun and easy to do. Work with the results and you will be amazed at the ease that will tiptoe back into your life.

Post your findings here using the “Comments” feature. Share any “ah has” while you’re at it. What will you change about your life based on the HOTS Test? I am eager to hear! – Viveca


Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart! e-Guide provides useful forms and journals to help you keep track of vital health information. Simply fill out the forms and provide to your doctor. Discover simple home medical tests that can save both time and money. A “must-have” for anyone who is tired of being tired. Order your copy today at

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Coming to my senses today. All day.

I am been feeling a lot of stress – financial, political and familial. The way out – the FUN way out — is to focus on bringing joy to my senses — sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell AND intuition.

This is a lot easier than you might think …

Sight: Today I will be conscious of what I choose to look upon. Hanging up in front of my desk is Peety my cockatiel. He is my cheerful office buddy and a constant source of inspiration. To the left of my monitor is my bright monkey coffee mug. Both Peetie and my mug have lots of yellow to stimulate my intellect and creativity. My desk and office is fairly clear and clean so I don’t visually overwhelmed. An excellent book that helped me is SORTED! The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Life – Once And For All

What do you gaze on daily? Does it feed or sink your spirits? Add a flower, add something favorite to your line of sight and take away an eye-sore.


Hearing: I work with Mozart (Baby Einstein – Baby Mozart – Music Festival) as my creativity and focus muse. This CD is multi-purpose — me and the babes! Another CD I just started using is Increase Vitality : Dr. Andrew Well’s Music For Self-Healing. Awesome! Listening to it now. Finally, I have A funky CD — Zouk Love en Francais.

What do you have on hand to lift your spirits or getting your feet dancing? Something Salsa, something rock, something ethereal?


Taste: Been doing that food combining technique since a couple weeks now. Not only have I lost weight and feel more energized, I am enjoying the taste of food more. In about an hour I’ll have some peanut butter on celery sticks … What tastes pick you up? What can you crunch on?

Another quick & tasty pick-me-up … a drop of Peppermint or Lemon
Essence oil on my tongue throughout the day.

What tastes boost your body and spirit? Treat yourself to something that makes your mouth say WOW!


Touch: I have ugs on my feet, favorite jeans hugging my lower half and a cuddly turtleneck up top. Tonight I will steep myself in a lavender/Epsom salt bath.

What can you wear now or later today that feels comfy, luxurious or peppy? Rub your hands or feet with a couple drops of Peppermint Essence Oil in your favorite lotion for a quick boost. (Or, put your feet in cold or warm water to perk up or calm down.)

Smell: I dabbed some Lavender essence oil on the collar of my turtleneck so it can waft up at me all day long. Not only will I feel soothed but anyone who stands close to me will benefit too! Along this line I am using a breathing technique that I learned on the Andrew Weil Feel Better, Live Longer CD set. Dr. Weil advises us to make our breaths “deeper, slowly, quieter and more regular.” His CD teaches different breathing techniques and I felt a BIG difference after just one session.

A free way to up your breathing is through laughter. Click here to pick and watch a FREE on on-line episode of 30 Rock with Tina Fey!

Notice your breathing today. Try closing your eyes now and just focus on your breath. How many times do your slowly breath in and out during a minute? Find out. Then extend it to two minutes and focus on breathing “deeper, slowly, quieter and more regular.”

Intuition: To the left of my monitor is a Sonia Choquette “Trust Your Vibes Intuition Card that I picked before starting work today. It reminds me to “Cloak myself in Light.”

According to Sonia “Cloak yourself in light deflects negative influences and prevents them from attaching to you and disturbing your peace.”
To listen into my interview with Sonia Choquette on this topic go to:

Notice your intuitions – inspirations today. Have a friend flash to mind? Call her or him. Feeling stuck? Take a walk around your block, your building or up and down a couple flights of stairs. If your body is clogged, so is your intuition.


Well my friend, this is what I’ll be up to today. Try what you like and let me know how it plays out for you. Do you have tips for me? Please add them using the “Comments” option. Thanks! – Viveca


Is your super woman role taking a toll on you? You’re not alone. Experts suggest more than 80 percent of American women (and men) suffer from adrenal fatigue. Learn how to wrap your super woman cape around fatigue and cast it out of your life forever in Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart! e-Guide. Available at

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Trust Your Vibes

and you will energize your body, mind & spirit

One of my favorite teachers when it comes to the mind/body connection is Sonia Choquette. Several years ago I had the opportunity to interview her when I was producing the “Get Ready For Love” Show.

One of the “vibe” techniques Sonia covered in our interview was “Body Talk.” I use this often when I feel out of sorts or downright in pain. Click here to go to Sonia Choquette’s Interview page. You can listen in anytime that is convenient for you. (MP3 Audio Link.)

In keeping with this theme, notice your body talk today. Notice how you feel around different people. Who energizes you? Who saps your energy? Do you have pets? How do you feel around them? Jot down how you feel after phone conversations.

Where do your pleasant and unpleasant interactions show up in your body? When I am uncomfortable around someone my chest/breathing will tighten up. When I feel good around someone my creativity, joy and energy “pops.” Feels light like champagne bubbles in my body!

Share your observations – I love hearing from you! Viveca P.S. Just came to me! Our bodies give us FREE counseling if we know how to listen BUT if we tune it out long enough it gets very costly.

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