The Glycemic Index – Low glycemic Food List – My new friends …

Some of you know about my quest over this past year to help my husband get over his fatigue and chronic migraines.

Let me tell you, I am grateful for my own recovery from fatigue! It takes energy and stamina to keep track of his medications and Drs appointments and dietary upgrades and keep my head and spirits in a healthy place.

Last week we finally got the green light from his primary doc and his neurologist to go through a toe to tip of head examination. I will share with you the tests and results as they come in because they may help you or someone you love.

Did the MRI and MRA and no brain tumor is sight. Excellent. His blood sugar test which screens for diabetes was however a BIG surprise. Happy to tell you Michael is not diabetic but if we don’t make changes NOW that is the direction in which he is headed. (and probably me too!)

This has me researching a new world called the “Glycemic Index” and double checking our diet. Here is the abbreviate “bottom line” for you to use to check out your own diet.

The glycemic index gives us an idea of which foods raise our blood glucose fastest and highest. Research indicates that eating a diet with a relatively low blood glucose impact can protect us from diabetes, and likely from heart disease as well. –Laura Dolson, Guide to Low Carb Diets since 2005

In my husband’s case his downfall has been the additions to my healthy cooking i.e. bread, soy ice cream PLUS a major lack of exercise!

The lack of exercise crept in over the holidays and over these past months as a result of the headaches. It’s been a vicious circle of not feeling well so not exercising then lack of exercise contributing to him feeling well. (His doc said the next time he has a migraine that he should put on legs weights and climb stairs until he breaks a sweat vs. sit it out.)

Anyway – Information is potential. Action is power. Today we are starting to put this information into motion. You can join in.

Today, UP your exercise whether you feel like it or not. Climb extra stairs. Get out there for a walk or head into the gym for a class. Go at your own speed. You don’t have to compete. Just go.(Exercise removes sugar from your bloodstream during and after your workout. Sitting on a couch, doesn’t. It is vital to heading off diabetes.)

Today, EAT UP on low glycemic foods (beans, peas, meats, fish, apples, plums) and cut out or cut down on your evening indulgences and anything “white” (white bread, rice, potatoes) Click here for an excellent list of low glycemic foods, dos and don’ts. And,

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Twis the week before Christmas and what can you do?

1. Break Your Fast (Breakfast) the right way.

* One American out of four starts the day without eating breakfast

* Studies have shown that adults and children who skip breakfast tend to have higher cholesterol levels and, consequently, are at a greater risk of developing heart disease

* A 12 yr-old who skips breakfast has the reaction time and mental agility of a 70 year old in the classroom. (Wonder how that ages adults in the office, in the car, in relationships …)

First Things First.
Upon rising make yourself a glass of hot water with (click here for more more including the Fatigue Be Gone Fatigue Busting Breakfast!)

Psst. Now is a great time to treat yourself to a holiday season and New Year filled with energy. Click here for more information and to order the Fatigue Be Gone! Jumpstart e-Guide

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Letter from a tired woman …

Hey Viveca,

My time seems to never slow down!

I think last time I emailed you I said I was trying more starchy carbs in the morning, but I think those are hurting me more, by making me crave more carbs….so I’m still trying to find a happy medium when it comes to carbs and providing energy.

The past week I have been back to feeling pretty tired during the early mornings and early evening hours …


Dear Feeling Pretty Tired,

PLEASE keep a food and beverage journal for at least the next 3 days. Then send it to me so I can have a peak …

* I am wondering if you are eating more sweets, sweetie? From Halloween onward we tend to slip in a little and a lot of sweets. These raise us up and drop us flat and craving more and feeling tired.

* I am wondering if you are drinking enough water – at least 8 glasses a day starting with 1ST thing in the morning.

* I am wondering what your blood type is? If you are type “O”, the most common blood type, then I recommend that you get off of all wheat and dairy and add more meal into your diet.


Tired in the morning points to allergies – the most common allergy triggers are wheat and dairy. You can easily substitute Ezekiel bread and ezekiel or buckwheat cereal (for the wheat) and Almond milk, goat cheese and yogurt (for the cow dairy). Try this for a week and see how you feel.

Tired in the early evening points to Toxin Overload. Drinking more water, with a squeeze of lemon, can help clear out your system enough to notice is your are feeling better and need to do more … (and you probably will, but after the holidays.)

Final note (until I hear from you!) Add more protein into your diet. Protien cuts the carb cravings. (Beef, seafood, tofu, beans, eggs, yogurt, turkey & apple sausages (yum!)

Energetically yours! Viveca

P.S. If you are reading this and you do not yet own the Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart e-Guide don’t wait another moment. NOW is the right time to check in with yourself and make a couple tweaks to energize in time to enjoy this special time with friends and family. Click here for more info. You can also gift it to a girlfriend, mother or sister!)

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Shrimp & Papaya & Mango & Chicken, Oh my…

Just browsing through one of my favorite magazines, Health Magazine, and came across a couple energy boost foods and recipes to share with you!

1. Shrimp. A 3-ounce serving has 14% of our recommended daily amount of energy boosting iron. Furthermore, it recommends that we look for “Wild American” Shrimp because it is free of contamination issues. (Iron carries oxygen to red blood cells to help prevent anemia. Anemia is extremely fatiguing – been there, done that.)

You know what else? This is an easy kapeezy lunch addition. Pack ’em in a Tupperware with a little Tupperware of dipping sauce … yummy!

2. Papaya-Mango Chicken Salad. Says to mix pre-cooked chicken with fat-free creme cheese, diced papaya, scallions and some mango chutney. Then a dash of salt, pepper and lime juice.

I’ll make this for Michael and moi lunch tomorrow – his will be minus the creme cheese ’cause he is lactose intolerant. Well, gotta run off to the grocery store … See you tomorrow.

Pssst. Have posted a number of energizing recipes here, check ’em out. And, if you want to re-Energize your body, mind and spirit then check out the Fatigue Be Gone! Jumpstart e-Guide. It has what you need and is instantly available upon receipt of payment.

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Watch what you notice – your thoughts are magnets

Do you know that you get what you focus on most?

The freshness and beauty of a new season … the smiles of friends … an abundance of wealth, health and happiness.

Start small. Look down, look around. Where is your magic showing up today?

Look at what I found in my friend Ardenia’s garden last week. So pretty – I had to go back there today with my camera to bring it here to you. Enjoy.

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